Random musings from the noggin' of Knolltrey
(Best viewed on a monitor running Mozilla Firefox, with a brain running on a case of Grolsh...)
Friday, 3 August 2007
Stayin' alive, staying dry, and stayin' fly...
Mood:  bright
Topic: Copyright-Infringementish

Writers of really good sci-fi know what a good spacesuit is...

Not only is this baby hard on the eyes, but it's soooo difficult to accessorize to... 

Enter MIT (who else?) with their fashionable BioSuit. I'm not sure just exactly when the folks over at MIT got an eye for fashion, but it's quite striking. Think of it: a nice, skin-tight spacesuit. How practical is it in the long run? Eh, who knows...

But it does something that other suits just can't do: it can make an astronaut look sexy.

Let's compare:

 A model (not likely an astronaut...) wearing the 'BioSuit' developed by MIT...












And my Tears' Shower Squadron's Liefde-class suits:










Now, to the untrained eye it looks like I just inked some Poser bodies black and scrubbed out the naughty bits and genitalia, but no: these are indeed state-of-the art science fiction space suits (say you believe me or I will hunt you down...), and if you painted 'em white, they'd look an AWFUL lot like that cushy MIT number above...

...seriously, they would... 

Only question I have now is: who do I see about filing a breech-of-copyright lawsuit? I'll bet MIT's got deep pockets...

Anyway, that sleek little BioSuit is just the thing to be sporting while you tie on your third one on your way over to put the beat down on your rival for astronaut love...

Hey, even space explorers need to unwind every now and then. Mine get to have terrible (and sometimes wonderful) hallucination inside their ships. NASA pilots don't get to have any fun...

But I'm sure that these catsuits-- er, 'BioSuits', will reclaim the Space Administration's reputation of dignity and professionalism from its current 'frat-house' image.

At the very least, it'll give those flyboys and girls some impetus to get rid of that beer belly... 

Posted by shanekentknolltrey at 5:01 PM ADT
Updated: Friday, 3 August 2007 5:11 PM ADT
Thursday, 2 August 2007
...and they're up to three packs a day, unfiltered...
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Scientific Progress...

Genetic engineering has brought us glowing tobacco plants and glowing fish.

Researchers didn't stop there: now we've got schizophrenic mice  (I don't think they're luminescent, although they might believe that they're glowing fish or glowing tobacco plants...)

Neat implications. Was a time you could simulate mental illness and psychosis in mice by rattling their cages for three days straight (that's not a joke...) but now, apparently, the researchers say that the genes they screwed-up in their mental mice are good candidates for the analogous schizophrenia-causing genes in humans.

No offense, but that's kinda like spraying a building full of anti-fortification ordinance and then claiming that one of the load-bearing walls was responsible for the place's collapse...

Eh, someday this data should prove quite valueable. Until then, however, we're stuck with a pack of mice like this one:



Scientific progress goes scurrying straight into the nearest wall...





 (Photo taken from National Geographic... and doctored... but the real psycho mice are rumored to harbor similar delusions...)

Posted by shanekentknolltrey at 3:04 AM ADT
Updated: Thursday, 2 August 2007 3:07 AM ADT
Wednesday, 1 August 2007
Rock Bottom?
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Random Political Diatribe

Guess the Ruskies are a little put-off by that fact that America beat 'em to the moon with the ol' Stars 'n Bars. Now they're trying to up the ante by planting a flag in the 'opposite' direction...

Before commenting on this... uh, interesting venture, I'll share a fantasy related to this kind of mission: 













Putin is a totalitarian wanker at heart, and the fall of Communism never really sat well with him (and he's not had much luck in getting some people to be willing 'pawns' in his authoritarian ambitions).

This whole move reeks of Soviet-era posturing: the puffery of a system past its prime. Sure, Russia wants to CLAIM the territory down there (although the legality of an unseeable, underwater flag is dubious... after all, even the US's quite visible extraterrestrial flag didn't amount to much).

What the CCCP- (sorry, the Putin Administration) won't say is that only foreign companies can actually get to the resources down there because Russia's technological investment front is as dynamic as a collapsed lung.

But make no mistake: Russia desperately needs this cache of resources because the supply of natural resources seems to be the only tool left in the country's 'diplomatic negotiations' with others...

Posted by shanekentknolltrey at 8:32 PM ADT
Updated: Thursday, 2 August 2007 3:08 AM ADT
Tuesday, 31 July 2007
Conductor's Circuit...
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Pseudoscientific Musings

I was just thinkin', maybe there's a way to reeeeeeally discourage porn-surfin' at work...

Think about this guy...

and now imagine management bosses everywhere hooking their unproductive employees up to their own computers: sweaty bods become cattle prods!

Dumb idea? Maybe, but it'd REALLY motivate employees to think about the most unattractive things imaginable to avoid that increased galvanic skin conductance... 




Posted by shanekentknolltrey at 2:53 PM ADT
Saturday, 28 July 2007
My sunshiiiiiiiiiiiiine.... My sunshiiiiiiiiiiiiiine....
Mood:  happy
Topic: Entertaining Insights

My personal verdict's in: 3.5 out of 4-stars.



















The science is close enough (minus the obvious error in stellar physics), and we'd be pretty close to 4-stars if not for the last third (a slasher fest). The scene where the crew boards the 'abandoned' sister-ship ranks as one of the creepier movie moments I've ever seen... 

They needed bigger Ray-bans, though...

Posted by shanekentknolltrey at 10:03 PM ADT
Updated: Wednesday, 1 August 2007 8:34 PM ADT
Friday, 27 July 2007
If you steal my sunshine...
Mood:  not sure
Topic: Entertaining Insights

This weekend I think I'll be investing my entertainment dollar in some Sunshine in lieu of Simpsons (or both, maybe...)

I just heard about this little sci-fi venture the other day, and it's to be release in America today! (figures: that's actually a little more press than your average firm-to-hard sci-fi movie ever garners...)

It's a gamble: most complaints about the flick criticize the science as getting progressively paltry, and then the film devolves into a slasher flick (not necessarily a bad thing, but...)

Part of the problem with the premise- as I see it- is the fact that somehow, in only FIFTY YEARS' time, humans will have the explosive power at hand to statistically affect a small portion of the sun itself...

riiiiight.... lemme throw some sunshine on the perspective (image courtesy of Apple's Science Website):

















The sun is NOT massive. The sun is not 'big': it is gigantic on a scale of near imcomprehensibility.

 Even with a weapon capable of vaporizing Earth ten-times over, the effect we'd have on Mr. Sun would be infenitesimal to the point of pointlessness. Apparently the gist of the film is that we've gotta 'explode' a 'Q-ball' pocket inside the corona...


 To be most scientifically sound, the movie's premise should be about some kind of rogue asteroid with wierd-ass particles coming near the sun and threatening to cause some strange interactions. Unlike the Sun, humans of 50 years from now COULD concieveably affect an asteroid...

But the result of that scenario would probably be a both boring and very bad movie... 

Gonna get me a ticket, anyway: I can forgive a story's lack of scientific rigor (lord knows my own spiel has enough of that to go around). Good story trumps bad science... as long as the science isn't THAT BAD...

Posted by shanekentknolltrey at 11:54 AM ADT
Updated: Friday, 27 July 2007 11:58 AM ADT
Thursday, 26 July 2007
Hope for the Brainless...
Mood:  mischievious
Topic: General

Anyone who needs proof on the power of infant neural plasticity,  one should check this guy out.

To be clear: HIS BRAIN MASS IS STATISTICALLY NOTHING: the central ventrical has expanded to SUBSUME the guy's whole god-damned noggin, 'xept for the very edges...

More proof that nature provides: this man's neurons literally made something out of NOTHING: all basic functions, respiration, temp reg, heartbeat, in addition to a smattering of intellect (he's Forest Gump, by all reports, but LOOK AT THAT PICTURE AGAIN: he has almost NO brain).

This goes to proves what the most amazing piece of biological tecnology ever invented by natural selection really is...

We shouldn't discriminate; after all, some people here in America without a detectable brain in their head do very well for themselves... 

I need to stop now. 

Posted by shanekentknolltrey at 3:49 AM ADT
Updated: Friday, 27 July 2007 12:18 AM ADT
Tuesday, 24 July 2007
For a thousand summers...
Mood:  not sure
Topic: Pseudoscientific Musings
 I've tried to think of the most god-awfully sad TV moment ever. The death of Col. Blake from M*A*S*H comes close on the list, but I don't think anything rivlals the 'Fry's Dog' episode of Futurama.
 Talk about emotionally-manipulative TV. Being a Scot-o-phile, I got the Bobby of Greyfriar's connection immediately (visited his grave every time I've been to Edinburgh, coincidentally).
When they start churning out the new episodes  they'd better resolve this thing...

Posted by shanekentknolltrey at 11:55 AM ADT
Updated: Thursday, 2 August 2007 4:18 AM ADT
Monday, 23 July 2007
Stunning progress...
Mood:  cheeky
Topic: General

After nearly a month of toil, I've churned out another chapter in Typers...

If Emily Bronte worked as fast as I did, we'd never have the second-half of Wuthering Heights... 

Posted by shanekentknolltrey at 3:22 PM ADT
King me...
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: Scientific Progress...

We could be flying to Jupiter, curing cancer or unlocking the mysteries of life right now...

Eh, this'll do, I suppose... 

What they aren't telling you is that 'Chinook', like its faulty helicopter namesake, had a few bugs in its program, initially:












Scientific progress goes 'hop, hop, hop'... 

Posted by shanekentknolltrey at 12:21 AM ADT

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