Random musings from the noggin' of Knolltrey (Best viewed on a monitor running Mozilla Firefox, with a brain running on a case of Grolsh...)
Saturday, 29 March 2008
Soon to be an off-Broadway musical !!! (...no, not really...)
Topic: Copyright-Infringementish
My li'l foray into Windows Movie Maker continues... this time with a bigger 'TYPERS'-themed slideshow (and there's nothin' more interesting than that!!!) Anyway, a montage of art, set to SMB's "Serenade", natch... That's a MediaFire link (which you'd already know... if you clicked on it... but in case you... well... didn't... it is) Anyway, due to my noob-ness with compression the file weighs just north of 16 MB. If you're all high-speed cable or DSL or whatever, it shouldn't take more'n a moment, though. If you're dial-up... well, if you're dial-up... ...egh... Well, anyway, my free-time's going to be taking a nose-dive soon, so I don't see myself wasting much more time on stuff like this... Especially when I should be writing, too... although I'll continue to waste my time on that regardless of what may come.
Posted by shanekentknolltrey
at 3:56 PM ADT
Friday, 7 March 2008
Topic: Copyright-Infringementish
ORLY? How Pragma-tic of them! Yeah, yeah: I know. The idea itself is less than original, and all it would take is a trained monkey on their development team to suggest such a thing. But the fact remains, boy-o's: this trained monkey already beat you to it. And, for the record, a brain-computer-interface won't "read a pilot's neurons"; that'd be like scanning a blank piece of paper. It reads the electrical impulses from those neurons. Yeah, I'm nitpicky: what can I say? Coincidences aside, I'll know if something's really up if the North American release of "Command" has a ship named Chaste Gazer in it. Odds are an overwhelming 'no' on that...
Posted by shanekentknolltrey
at 8:34 PM MNT
Updated: Friday, 7 March 2008 10:31 PM MNT
Wednesday, 20 February 2008
Not always cute and cuddly
Topic: Copyright-Infringementish
Here's my own rejoinder to the 'eated your cookie' meme:
Bengals aren't known for their incredible home-ec skills, or their temperment after being woken from a nap, I'm told...
Posted by shanekentknolltrey
at 5:43 PM MNT
Wednesday, 26 December 2007
...and a bit easier on the eyes than Michael et al...
Now Playing: ...see embed
Topic: Copyright-Infringementish
I caught this most interesting little band on a re-run of The Chip Whitley Show. Guess they started out by releasing half-a-dozen EP's at modest music venues before landing a big-name contract. Good for them. The song I've been absolutely smitten by is from their second album, Combinations; it's a little ditty called 'Invasion'... Most of Eisley's songs are a little too mellow for me (but most have enough melodic resonance to keep my brain entertained, anyway). This dark-pop tune is somewhat atypical for 'em, although they're still (literally and figuratively) young as a band, and their evolution from their first album, Room Noises, to this point is, in my opinion, like changing from night into day. Creepy video, huh? I think of it as a far more attractive version of Thriller, although without whacko-Jacko cavorting about in the frames it is far, far, far less disturbing (though I do miss the flustered discomfort of Michael Jackson trying to look convincingly interested in dating an adult female in that music video...) hmm...this band's name is better without the 'Mos', too, I think.
Posted by shanekentknolltrey
at 2:10 PM MNT
Thursday, 20 December 2007
The Suite life
Now Playing: ...see post
Topic: Copyright-Infringementish
I love the Capriol Suite. Do you? It's the perfect imitation of medieval music (you'd never guess that it was written in the 1930's, would you?) Most people come across it by playing it in some school-related function (orchestra, band, etc...) since even a trained houseplant can learn to play the thing (it's kinda like Messiah that way, except less good, shorter, and without the miracle of divine inspiration culminating in the greatest choral arrangement in history). But it's still good... The first movement, Basse Danse, is particularly keen. I'm so fond of it that I'm gonna make it the 'personal anthem' of a character in TYPERS: a guy named Christopher (last name withheld for now, but he's already been introduced under... well, a different name) Talk about an evil son-of-a-bitch. I plan on having him do something very, very... memorable... before he gets offed, anyway. He already tried to kill one of the main characters in the first book... ...maybe by the end he finally succeeds?
Posted by shanekentknolltrey
at 12:54 AM MNT
Saturday, 1 December 2007
Dream until your dream comes true...
Topic: Copyright-Infringementish
(NOTE: much of the sweetness of this day's comic relies on one's familiarity with Rat's character. Just an FYI, since PBS doesn't seem to have a media-saturating level of circulation...)
Posted by shanekentknolltrey
at 3:13 PM MNT
Updated: Saturday, 1 December 2007 3:21 PM MNT
Saturday, 6 October 2007
Plants are boring; Mecha are cool!
Topic: Copyright-Infringementish
I'm no big fan of the Gundam series in general (what little I've seen of its incarnations seems slightly derivative...) but I always wondered why its Wikipedia page was always so laden with ridiculously in-depth factoids... ...and now I know. More evidence that Wikipedia may bring about the end of civilization. Of course, I'll be an addict myself until the last tower falls.
Posted by shanekentknolltrey
at 7:45 PM ADT
Wednesday, 5 September 2007
All Hail Xenu
Topic: Copyright-Infringementish
I love the concept of religious tolerance... But I adore it when organized criminals who prey on the gullible, and who hide behind the banner of a psuedo-religion, are called out on their actions. It's kinda odd, really, that the European Union is so confrontational towards this cult of (to be brutally honest) wackos and gangsters. I'm often critical of European policy (as an American, natch...) but for some reason the good 'ol EU has it right on the money: Scientology is a cult, a scam, and as far as the ultimate belief system goes, a tribe of losers stuck in a REALLY bad science-fiction novel. And even some idiot celebrities are being banned from EU countries for their support of the scam. That's cahones, EU! Kudos... Speaking of bad science fiction, work on R.O.E. continues, as always. (I may not be sensational in the ol' prose department, yet, and I'm certainly nowhere near my personal goals, but I can rest assured in this much: I am a much, much better author than L. Ron Hubbard, and as I'm loathe to give myself any praise, that comment really means something...)
Posted by shanekentknolltrey
at 3:52 AM ADT
Wednesday, 8 August 2007
and if you dressed a mouse in a golden slave suit...
Topic: Copyright-Infringementish
Jabba the Hutt was a two-ton pile of flab and gas who prattled on in the language of 'Huttese'. My cat is different... He thinks in English: I was told that these Ragdoll Cats get 'large', but I didn't know that all the added weight goes straight to the belly (I guess you could say that I'm ignorant of 'ragdoll physics'. Hahahaha!) ...sigh.
Posted by shanekentknolltrey
at 12:01 AM ADT
Updated: Wednesday, 8 August 2007 12:09 AM ADT
Friday, 3 August 2007
Stayin' alive, staying dry, and stayin' fly...
Topic: Copyright-Infringementish
Writers of really good sci-fi know what a good spacesuit is... Not only is this baby hard on the eyes, but it's soooo difficult to accessorize to... Enter MIT (who else?) with their fashionable BioSuit. I'm not sure just exactly when the folks over at MIT got an eye for fashion, but it's quite striking. Think of it: a nice, skin-tight spacesuit. How practical is it in the long run? Eh, who knows... But it does something that other suits just can't do: it can make an astronaut look sexy. Let's compare: A model (not likely an astronaut...) wearing the 'BioSuit' developed by MIT... And my Tears' Shower Squadron's Liefde-class suits: Now, to the untrained eye it looks like I just inked some Poser bodies black and scrubbed out the naughty bits and genitalia, but no: these are indeed state-of-the art science fiction space suits (say you believe me or I will hunt you down...), and if you painted 'em white, they'd look an AWFUL lot like that cushy MIT number above...
...seriously, they would... Only question I have now is: who do I see about filing a breech-of-copyright lawsuit? I'll bet MIT's got deep pockets... Anyway, that sleek little BioSuit is just the thing to be sporting while you tie on your third one on your way over to put the beat down on your rival for astronaut love... Hey, even space explorers need to unwind every now and then. Mine get to have terrible (and sometimes wonderful) hallucination inside their ships. NASA pilots don't get to have any fun... But I'm sure that these catsuits-- er, 'BioSuits', will reclaim the Space Administration's reputation of dignity and professionalism from its current 'frat-house' image. At the very least, it'll give those flyboys and girls some impetus to get rid of that beer belly...
Posted by shanekentknolltrey
at 5:01 PM ADT
Updated: Friday, 3 August 2007 5:11 PM ADT
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