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Random musings from the noggin' of Knolltrey (Best viewed on a monitor running Mozilla Firefox, with a brain running on a case of Grolsh...)
Thursday, 4 October 2007
Promisory Notes...
Topic: Entertaining Insights
We're comin' around to 'Oscar season' in the film industry which means (in a nutshell) that all the ultra-violent pics coming out for the rest of the year are gonna be drenched with artistic 'worthiness'. Whatever. In any event, my personal verdict's in on Eastern Promises: I've gotta go with four-stars, actually. This is the second pic combining Viggo Mortensen and director David Cronenberg, and I must say that some tension is evident in the production...
![Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us](http://img527.imageshack.us/img527/5152/viggocp9.jpg) Seriously, though, I gotta say that Cronenberg's approach in these pictures (the first of which was, naturally, A History of Violence) is friggin' brutal to the point of sickening. I believe that Cronenberg's film-techniques are something of a product of the success of 2004's Passion of the Christ, which raised the bar for violence in American cinema (something that would otherwise be hard-core torture porn was made almost completely justified by the unreproachable religious subjectmatter; less spiritually-inclined splatterfests that followed were ushered in simply because the floodgates were opened). But let me say that I greatly admire Gibson's 'Passion', and while it may have provided Hollywood with a questionable legacy of allowing insane gore to dominate the screen even more than before it was a bridge that would've been crossed anyway. A film like 'The Passion' merely accelerated this process (Unfortunately, I predict this trend will contine to its logical conclusion, too...) ...I think that's the second time I've referenced that movie. Huh... Anyway, Cronenberg's a veteran of the B-movie horror scene, where he first made his mark, and these days he's seen fit to splatter a few Stephen King-grade horror scenes into stories that are otherwise Oscar-calibur. Well, not quite. If he did that then his movies would suck, and they don't. Eastern Promises takes a serious 'no flinch' approach to its gore. There are three bloody scenes (four, if you count a frozen corpse... and five if you count a fainting pregnant minor slipping and falling over her own 'bloody show'...) and these scenes are, indeed, incidental and instrumental to the drama surrounding them. Yeah: guys having their throats slit with straight-razors is bloody stuff, and downright horrifying, but is showing the act from start to finish without stylizing it or cutting away really that vulgar? Yes, it is. And that's kinda the point of the film. One of them, anyway. If you don't accept this as a valid part of the film's message then it's not going to work for you (and, conversely, if you're a young teenage boy who gets-off on as much carnage and gore as possible, you'd be even less happy with the other 97-percent of the film that lacks said atrocities). Roger Ebert's review alludes to the fact that the bathhouse fighting scene will set a new standard in the field of movie fights. He's probably right. I don't normally squirm in my seat during a movie, especially if I'm so engrossed in the flick as to be in that transient state of out-of-body bliss that is the weakening of the fourth wall. But during this scene I was snapped around like a rubber band: one minute entranced by the dramatic turns of the story, soaking up the characters' nebulous facial expressions, and the next I'm literally clutching at body parts in sudden, nearly psychosomatic pain and terror. From granite-like mental immersion to terrified panic in under ten seconds? And to still have the desire to 'wade back into the pool' afterwards? Yeah, that's a good film alright.
Posted by shanekentknolltrey
at 1:16 AM ADT
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
The ties that bind.
Now Playing: "Hurts so Good" by John Cougar
I'll keep this one brief, 'cause I'm half-trashed at the moment (not on Grolsch, mind you, but something else that I should've had the good sense not to imbibe of on an empty stomach...) Got an interesting news item here. Now, you gotta admit: they were really asking for it, weren't they? Gotta love that S&M stuff, though. I've always been interested in the psychology involved in something like bondage. As a matter of fact, it's gonna play something of a background role in TYPERS, too (though only on the periphery...) For one thing, Chenine Chovert's 'demon' form brought on by her Raiden's transformation is called the Bound Angel (which reflects her very conscious desire to overpower her own... well, 'personal deficits'...) Two characters also hook up (quite soon, too...) and share this very kink together (though the relationship is distinctly F/M...) I'm gonna stop talking about this 'cause it's creeping me out, but I think it's good for me to keep TYPERS on my mind like this, whatever the vein of discussion be... ...or how creepy it be...
Posted by shanekentknolltrey
at 12:56 AM ADT
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
Sleepin' with the fishes...
Studies show that there's nothing more boring than listening to an aquarist prattle on about his tank. The studies are duly noted. Now back to the regular-scheduled posting:
...sheeeeeesh... Well, I'm covered in algae again, and dead tired, but it looks like the mission to de-gunk my aquarium is coming to a close... ...kinda. One can tell from the panorama shot that it's sort of a work in progress... Ugh. I've been battling a funky black algae colony in my saltwater tank. Most algae is transient and fleeting (and gets eaten up by the 200+ members of my in-tank cleaner crew, thank you very much...) But this new stuff is death incarnate: if the gunk gets onto my corals it's nearly impossible to get off, even when I use a toothbrush. The battle's been raging for a week, now, and I think things are on the mend (they'd better be, what with all the cash I've spent on water changes: saltwater doesn't just spring-up naturally in the ocean, you know...) uh... well, wait... Eh, nevermind. The scrubbing isn't done yet, by a long shot, but for now I've got some fairly happy li'l denizens... ![Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us](http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/2862/tangandtongueav5.jpg) Anyway, there's still about a two pounds of algae secreted about the tank, but for the mome nt I can focus on hunting for those pesky little tube worms for without this friggin' bubonic plague-like algae leering over my shoulder. Tube worms are a far easier problem to deal with, after all, and I can't see them giving me a run for my money... ...unless I leave my metal halides on all night and serious bump-up the tank's temperature. That could cause a problem, or two... Well, not really, but wouldn't that be cooler than the other side of the pillow? (or should I say, hotter than the foxtrot?) I think so, at least... In other news, I think I'm on the right track in my quest to make TYPERS a trilogy and keep the looming shadow of a fourth book out of the way. As it turns out, my main problem is finding an appropriate cut-off point between the books (the natural place to have a cut-off, wherein the pilots' worlds are turned to shit, Justin is left without a ride* and Antithesis' power reaches its zenith, seems to be too far away to use as a bridge between the books...) If you want any more hints about plot points, all I can say is that I'm whistling a certain song as I type all this out. (*temporarily...)
Posted by shanekentknolltrey
at 3:51 PM ADT
Updated: Tuesday, 2 October 2007 4:38 PM ADT
Saturday, 29 September 2007
'GPS's'? We don't need no stinkin' GPS's!
Now Playing: "Learnin' to Fly" by Tom Petty
Topic: Pseudoscientific Musings
Ever wonder what life would be like if you lived on a gigantic bar magnet? ...well, you do... We've known for quite awhile now that most animals (li'l birdies, in particular) develop at least some kind of relationship with the Earth's freakishly hyperactive magnetic field, but it turns out that we may not know the half of it. Apparently, birds don't just feel the Earth's magnetic field: some of 'em can even see it. And, according to the reports, we're not talkin' metaphorically, either... Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me. The magnetic field around the Blue Marble is tops on my list of 'Natural Wonders' (and, need I remind you, is the only reason you're reading this now and not boiling away under a sea of solar fire...). Interestingly, when CNN ventured to make their own list of 'Natural Wonders' they didn't quite select Magnetic Earth as one (though they did give passing mention to the Auroras, which are technically a physical manifestation of the magnetosphere... but still: citing the 'Auroras' as a Natural Wonder in lieu of the whole magnetic field in general is kinda like talking about Courtney Love's career without mentioning Kurt Cobain.) You heard me, Courtney... Also, those idiots at CNN don't seem to realize that we've got TWO sets of 'lights', not just one (for some reason, they only cited the 'Northern Lights' as a wonder...twits) When you think about it, it's kinda odd that any animal would patter around without the ability to somehow 'see' the show going on all around them. Sure, we've got GPS now, but wouldn't it have been nice for ancient mariners to have a little more magnetite in their heads than we humans typically have? Thank God our frontal lobes happened to start growing over our eyeballs, or we'd have no hope at all (after all, I'll settle for a good GPS system any day). Eh, 'animal instincts'... very interesting to see what's our there, and what we don't even have a prayer of ever posessing ourselves. Evolution's full of give and take, after all, and I suppose we just didn't 'migrate' enough to warrant a powerful internal compass. Oh, well... However, this study brings up an interesting point: granted that birds can actually see the magnetic field, how would a slightly nearsighted birdie manage to get around, then?
...you never know...
Posted by shanekentknolltrey
at 2:26 AM ADT
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
Shocking Toxic Syndrome!
not sure
Now Playing: "It's the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine)" by R.E.M.
Topic: Pseudoscientific Musings
The common cold bug is a real pisser: it's a virus with the potential to turn a healthy adult into a sniveling wreck for a few days. Do not put that f**ker into space, though: it might come back with the strength to put you in a pine box. Alright, so we're not quite talking about the worst, worst-case scenario yet (though that might not be too far off, either) but it's still enough to give one pause: germs exposed to spacecraft conditions coming back with a little extra pep (not as much extra pep as if we'd intentially screwed around with them, but still, it's almost as bad a Tripp-up when you think about it...) ...sorry... Also of note is that the affected germ, Salmonella, appears to have only coincidentally been altered as a response to weightless conditions; the change in its turgid structure just happened to make it a little more suited to environments like mammalian intestines. That is to say, this is probably just an isolated coincidence, and it doesn't necessarily mean that a test tube filled with Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (the one that gives you mouth sores, not the other one...) would come back from space as a vial of Weaponized Bubonic Plague. Still, when you think about the fact that we've been struggling against these diseases for the past 3 billion years, it doesn't seem smart to intentionally muck-up the natural back and forth arms race we've got going: you've gotta 'keep running to stay in place', sure, but what the hell happens when you intentionally pick up one of your opponents and literally toss them out ahead of you? (as a caveat, I am totally fine with the concept of genetic engineering, as long as the people involved know what the f*ck they're doing at each locus...) After all: if we're not careful in how we alter our microbial enemies (or how we allow them to be altered) the eventual 'Strain' could see us plagued with problems that are sure to 'Tripp' us up in the future... again, sorry...
Posted by shanekentknolltrey
at 3:27 PM ADT
Tuesday, 25 September 2007
"Faithful" rendition
Now Playing: 'True Faith' by New Order (...just see the insert, eh?...)
Topic: General
Been out of town lately (partially explains the lack of posts) and did a bunch of driving there and back. Along the way an unfamiliar classic rock station hit me with a most wonderous little ditty... Dunno how I ever missed this gem of a song, but it's a real beauty. I'm all but unfamiliar with this group 'New Order' as well. I had to dial them up on iTunes as soon as I got home. In addition to the killer beat, enchanting melody and quirky vocal style, the lyrics are really something else... 'True Faith' I feel so extraordinary Something's got a hold on me I get this feeling I'm in motion A sudden sense of liberty I don't care 'cause I'm not there And I don't care if I'm here tomorrow Again and again I've taken too much Of the things that cost you too much CHORUS: I used to think that the day would never come I'd see delight in the shade of the morning sun My morning sun is the drug that brings me near To the childhood I lost, replaced by fear I used to think that the day would never come That my life would depend on the morning sun... When I was a very small boy, Very small boys talked to me Now that we've grown up together They're afraid of what they see* That's the price that we all pay Our valued destiny comes to nothing I can't tell you where we're going I guess there was just no way of knowing CHORUS: I used to think that the day would never come I'd see delight in the shade of the morning sun My morning sun is the drug that brings me near To the childhood I lost, replaced by fear I used to think that the day would never come That my life would depend on the morning sun... I feel so extraordinary Something's got a hold on me I get this feeling I'm in motion A sudden sense of liberty The chances are we've gone too far You took my time and you took my money Now I fear you've left me standing In a world that's so demanding CHORUS: I used to think that the day would never come I'd see delight in the shade of the morning sun My morning sun is the drug that brings me near To the childhood I lost, replaced by fear I used to think that the day would never come That my life would depend on the morning sun... * (or "they're all doing drugs with me) see the Wikipedia article... The song's about heroin addiction (about half of all pop songs are, aren't they?), however this tune hit me like a bullet 'cause it's such a spot-on overview of the remaining storyline in TYPERS: after about 42 years of unending warfare (and a war that is not even questioned on an ideological basis) my main characters are gonna have some tough times ahead reconciling their current attitudes and feelings with new revelations about the nature of the Bydo Empire (and, naturally, the "li'l kiddos" inside their ships). Hatred (antipathy, in particular, to make it a blunt cliche...) is like a drug, after all, and all my main characters were, effectively, robbed of their own 'childhoods' because of this ridiculously destructive conflict (in spirit, if not literally...) and for them to get anywhere at all they'll be forced to 'kick their habit' of hate and start lookin' at things differently... ...it's friggin' hard to see things with the eyes of a child, after all, let alone with a child's faith, but that's almost literally what needs to be done... And then (to be even more cliche) the 'healing' can begin... Makes me wonder if I should've made this song my personal 'theme song' for the writing project. That's a sticky wicket, 'cause the one true 'theme song' of TYPERS (inasmuch as a book series can have a theme song at all...) is this Steve Miller tune. ...I think it's slightly better, anyway... Eh, I can't switch anything out, anyway: 'Serenade' is the oft-referenced song in the TYPERS books 'cause it's got personal significance for my main main character Justin Storm (haven't gone into WHY it's so important to him, yet, but that chapter's not too terribly far away...) Besides, the theme of 'Serenade' is slightly more germane: lost in a sea of stars (and a void of space) the song declares that "the world is your home" (at least, as Justin mishears the lyrics...). In the end, that message is far more important to the ultimate climax I've been planning. The climax involves Justin more than anyone ('natch), but when I think about the song 'True Faith' I realize that its lyrics are actually most representative of the character Sam Rayne (I haven't solidified her backstory yet, but a Bydo-related tragedy set her on her ultimate military path, and away from something very, very different that could've been). Samantha is the character of least concern in my "holy trinity" though, so my attachment to this song might be related to the fact that I've been trying to round-out her character in my head for some time, now... I got the 'True Faith' single off iTunes, so I can't shove it up on a mirror site like my other media. The next best thing is, of course, YouTube. Ignore the freaks doin' the 'bump' together... that's just the original music video. Seems that someone didn't quite kick the heroin habit before the video came out, eh? Shoot 'em up, if you got 'em...
Posted by shanekentknolltrey
at 1:55 AM ADT
Updated: Tuesday, 25 September 2007 12:20 PM ADT
Thursday, 20 September 2007
...but are they 'shire' about that?
Topic: Scientific Progress...
I'm kinda surprised about the heated controversy that's been in play here... Not only are the wristbones of the dearly-departed Homo floresiensis (aka: the 'Hobbits') different enough to give researchers pause, but there's quite enough evidence in play to place these li'l guys outside the Sapiens sapiens lineage. The problem with claiming that these guys are just modern humans with a genetic deformity is that this argument ignores the other evidence on the island: tiny elephants, oversized flora and all manner of other clues pointing towards the REAL culprit in the little man's... er, littleness... There's probably other subspecies that these guys are much more closely related to than humans. Just based on visual appearance... ...forget it... In any event, I really think that we're looking at a whole new runner in the brutal footrace that was the competition to rise to the top of the 'Homo' lineage. Good Lord... that was a slugfest, wasn't it? Yeah, Sapiens sapiens came out on top (though there were certainly enough bodies racked up in the fight). In a way, it's kinda nice to see a 'Homo' ancestor that was knocked out of the race peacefully, by virtue of simple geography, and not because they got their asses kicked by our pre-Magnon bretheren. The 'Hobbits' were puttering on with their lives on a little island while everyone else was clawing tooth and nail with each other... good for them. *Shudder*... the race to rule the planet, after all, was hardly a rosy affair (and hardly an actual contest: our closest competitor proved to be tragically inadequate, regardless of why exactly they ended up going 'dodo'...) Floresiensis may prove just how tough the battle was: apparently they lasted significantly longer than any other non-human 'Homo' group (and even well into the nebulous timeframe known as 'Modern Human History'); this is ostensibly by virtue of their 'noncombatant status' (ie: not having to compete against big, bad Cro Magnon man). Of course, that hypothesis is speculative, but logical... Anyway, Scientific Progress goes tromping away on a very, very small elephant...
Posted by shanekentknolltrey
at 6:54 PM ADT
Wednesday, 19 September 2007
...and why was there more than one frog boss?...
Topic: General
Ever play this one? This was my holy grail as a little kid: the ONE Nintendo game that I just had to beat (and spent several years tying to...) It was also the first piece of entertainment media that inspired me to pen up a story (okay: it may have been only three pages long, and seriously lacking in quality compared even to the ' Worlds of Power' stuff that came out at the same time, but still...) Good music, great gameplay and haunting atmosphere: not a bad game at all (though, for some reason, the North American release was marred by a nonsensical opening story about a mutated frog and a big 'ol hole in the ground, compared to the fairly standard anime-esque storyline in the original Japanese release).
Posted by shanekentknolltrey
at 6:23 PM ADT
Tuesday, 18 September 2007
Blood for a
Topic: Entertaining Insights
Make no mistake, I think Alicia's a bona-fide bombshell (though I can't see forgiving her for her choice in movies to participate in... the girl is literally 'clueless' ), but isn't there a better way to use her 'assets' than this? PETA, huh? Maybe Miss Silverstone would feel slightly more fulfilled hocking her body for cancer research, or the discovery of lifesaving cures to aid all makind... than again, perhaps not... Alright, I'm sensitive to any criticism of the 'factory food' culture that's developed in recent years (indeed, the possibility of cataclysmic disease entering the human population from these conditions is very real), but PETA doesn't stop their criticism at this point: ANY EATING OF MEAT is considered an absolute evil by these anti-human wackos. ...what part of "bipedial omnivorous primate" do you not understand, you plastic-shoed twits? Eh, Newkirk and her ilk have always been about the welfare of animals in lieu of human needs (and not just human vanities like cosmetics (lipstick on pigs!)...no, it's much worse than that: PETA is one of the most cold-hearted, nilhistic groups I've ever seen). Enough examples: I think Miss Newkirk's own words are most damning: "Animal liberationists do not separate out the human animal, so there is no rational basis for saying that a human being has special rights. A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy. They are all mammals" (emphasis added) Nah, Miss Newkirk: Homo sapiens sapiens is the ultimate creation of planet Earth (and God, if you're spiritually inclined). The whole planet, and all the creatures on it, are ours to use as we see fit (though admittedly we could certainly be better stewards of it...) and, contrary to your warped beliefs, we're a whole 'nother kind of mammal, altogether. Come on, Alicia: you don't really wanna hang around with this crowd, do ya?... (then again, she's from a place where certified 'space cadets' pour millions of dollars into the ultimate ponzi scheme, so the gullibility factor we're dealing with here must be staggeringly high...) People who simply want to hock vegetarianism to the populace are one thing (and I completely disagree with their premise, but I won't militantly yell at them for it...) but if someone wants to join PETA then they need to know about the full poitical ramifications of their participation: you aren't just advocating vegetarianism with such people, you're advocating very radical anti-human policy. It all boils down to this: if you see any difference in WORTH between the two animals pictured below then you CANNOT be a member of PETA's current incarnation. Okay: are you ready?... ![Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us](http://img354.imageshack.us/img354/7526/newbitmapimagebq6.jpg) The reason this is all germane to me at the moment is because the central villians in my current work 'The Reign of Eden' harbor a similar desire to keep humans diseased and in the dark ages for the 'sake' of the planet at large (their name is "Logos", btw, and isn't it odd that Newkirk's last name literally translates to 'new reverend' or 'new church'? They have made anti-human sentiment a religion unto itself, after all...) ...there are ways to deal with these granola munchin' rat-huggers... and sometimes the direct approach is best: Come on, now, Alicia: if you wanna promote vegetarianism then find a group of like-minded doctors to team-up with or something. After all, there's nothing worse than being a pawn to an agenda that you (hopefully) do not fully support. By the way: I'm seriously considering taking Ingrid up on her "Newkirk Nuggets" idea: I'll bet she tastes like chicken (clucks like one, anyway...)
Posted by shanekentknolltrey
at 8:53 PM ADT
Updated: Tuesday, 18 September 2007 10:01 PM ADT
Monday, 17 September 2007
A road stud-ded with trouble...
Topic: General
This woman supposedly has a conspicuous, deadly and very distracting stud in her nose (uh... if you squint, you can just barely see it...) ...O rly? That's what Heathrow Airport officials are saying, anyway. Honestly, you'd expect this kind of blatantly pro-secular and anti-religious stuff to go on in Greater Europe, but I thought UK'ers were a little less demonically-anti-religion than their borderline-communist compatriots in France and elsewhere (as religion is contrary to their ultimate social views...) Eh, the problem's more complex than that, though: with such a flood of immigrants into Europe lately (notably African muslims, who are somewhat loathe to assimilate...) there're all kinds of anti-religious backlashes, but these are mostly linked to muslim-deluged France and its neighbors. Come on, now: that nose stud is smaller than a mosquito's testicles (do mosquitos even have... eh, nevermind). Obviously the decision is an anti-religious one, as no fair-minded person can believe that this piece of jewlery is a hazard or distraction. I usually come down on the side of religious tolerance, bein' spiritual myself (and I can justify that side of my existence with certain other philisophical views I hold, too). There're limits, of course (if you walk around with a 1:1 scale replica of The Cross on your shoulders, maybe...) but this li'l stud doesn't even brush against that line.
Posted by shanekentknolltrey
at 5:49 PM ADT
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