Random musings from the noggin' of Knolltrey
(Best viewed on a monitor running Mozilla Firefox, with a brain running on a case of Grolsh...)
Sunday, 4 November 2007
Legendary Delays...
Mood:  blue

...unbelievable as it may seem, I'm getting closer to finishing the next chapter of TYPERS (and it is unbelieveable, ain't it?). There's an early draft of the opening. The Bold-faced text before the first roman numeral are notes for my benefit (there's usually alot more, too).

God willing, the chapter'll be significantly lower than 10,000 words (there's only one POV to write for: Justin's) and it'll give me an excuse to really beef-up the word count on the next chapter.

That one's gonna be called Filial Affection. That one's gonna be bloody.

And that one's gonna reveal the true power of those wonderful/horrible little cherubs/devils inside the RH units: the Essenes (who still haven't been given that name... eh: wait a few chapters for that development...)



Posted by shanekentknolltrey at 1:49 AM ADT
Updated: Sunday, 4 November 2007 1:54 AM ADT
Friday, 2 November 2007
I'll take the 'penis mightier', Alex.
Mood:  cool
Topic: Entertaining Insights

Hollywood: the land of high fantasy, glitz, glamour, celebs galore...

...and a bunch of friggin' pissed-off writers.

Good for them. Seems that they want some of the moolah from DVD sales, which are a lucrative business these days for any movie or TV show (don't believe me? How do you think Family Guy got resurrected?)

I'm not a huge fan of scripted TV shows (I like late night comics like Conan and Leno, 'natch) but I'm still gonna feel the pinch of this strike, and so will most TV viewers (and movie viewers, too, if it goes on long enough...)

But I fully support these writers' demands (wouldn't I, though? ;) With all the glitz and star-power behind most projects people often forget that most celebrities and a-listers can't put together more than a few cogent sentences during an interview, let alone droll out the entertaining wit they 'naturally' spew in these shows (the average IQ of your A-lister is, judging by their composure in the limelight, significantly below average...)

Do you want that woman writing the words she's gonna speak in her next schmoozy project? Image the horror! Most things with Sally Field in them are bad enough (minus Forrest Gump and Mrs. Doubtfire, where her relative lack of screentime helped remove the sting...)
Celebrities surviving on their own wits!? Pleasch!!!!
Enough fun, here. I don't really wanna just dump on celebrities, here, but let's recognize that the writers are MORE IMPORTANT that the actors, all in all, because even though most people would gladly listen to Kiefer Sutherland read from the telephone book, most actors can't be who they are without the benefit of that world constructed around them.
It is a world of artiface, a world of fantasy.
It's a world created by writers, and while the smiling face of an a-lister puts the icing on that world, its the solid cake beneath it, a bedrock of good lines and poignant conversation, that holds the world together.
So give 'em hell, boys and girls. The pen is, indeed, mightier than the sword, and you can even use it as a sword, as these scribblers prove.

Posted by shanekentknolltrey at 7:36 PM ADT
Updated: Friday, 2 November 2007 7:46 PM ADT
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
From rags to... rags...
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: General

I'll be out of town for a few days (and most likely no updates) 'till Friday, perhaps.

What to go out on for a few days? No major scientific breakthroughs to comment on, and the writing is the writing: it goes, and that's all, so I haven't much to say...

So why not just saturate the airwaves here with some Ragdoll Cat media?

Why not?

My cat does that thing with the keyboard and monitor: he doesn't wanna admit that he wants my attention, so he f***king plops his overweight rear end in between me and everything else until I just 'happen' to decide to pay some attention to him...
Right now he doesn't seem too keen on bein' seen: he's lounging right next to me (and my camera, too):
Free Image Hosting at
...I take it back: he gets REAL keen on bein' seen when I go for the camera's USB cable (it's a Ragdoll's natural enemy, after all...)
Free Image Hosting at
 What a fierce predator he is...
Truth be told, as much as the cat's a gas, I'm really a dog person at heart (can't you tell? :)
Free Image Hosting at

 My cat doesn't get fast food: that delicacy's reserved for my favorite mutt.  And after all: cats tolerate 'ya, but dogs love 'ya (and my mutt doesn't cost as much as a new spleen and set of lungs, thank you very much...)

Anyway, back in a couple, and enjoy the kitties until then...

if you're a cat person. 

Posted by shanekentknolltrey at 1:26 AM ADT
Sunday, 28 October 2007
Death is a Bristlecone Pine
Mood:  cheeky
Topic: General

The White Mountains of California, near Owen's Valley and just shy of the town of Bishop, hold a place called the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest in which some of the oldest creatures to ever live... well... live.

And it's the setting for a li'l horror short story I'm brewing up (can't imagine that it'll be done for Halloween, unless I get myself motivated...). It involves the mid-1800's timeframe, a rancher with a homestead way the f**k up near the treline (near where our Bristlecones live...) and a species of ancient demon unknown to man that spends most of its time sleeping (do you have to guess WHERE?)...

The local Piaute Indians explain to two white travelers (the protagonists) that the 'trouble' on the mountain is caused by a creature known only as Pasatopo’ne (yes, I really did research the Paiute language, and yes: that actually means something in Paiute...)

The horror aspect wouldn't so much involve shock as to the creature's location (I plan on titling the piece PINE...) or the bloodiness left in the monster's wake. The horror of the situation is best described by a quote that one of the Paiute Indians shares with the travelers:

"It is when they wake that they work at their mischief. They awaken for two purposes, and the first is to spill blood... but the second reason, oh the second reason is a far, far worse thing, still..." 

Hey, don't look at me weirdly, or anything: I actually like Bristlecone Pines, but they still creep the ever-loving hell out of me...

Posted by shanekentknolltrey at 12:40 AM ADT
Thursday, 25 October 2007 long as the collars match the cuffs...
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Scientific Progress...

Facts are facts, and Neanderthals simply weren't meant to rule the planet.

But, apparently, they were meant to sport some very unusual dreds...

Huh. So they had redheads too, eh? Not only that, but they think the guys had almost every flavor of hair color seen today, as well (except maybe the pink mohawks you see on some girls in downtown San Fran...)

That means that you'll need a red wig if you want to go as one of our dead-end siblings for Halloween (and ABC's gonna need to diversify their cast, I believe...)

As for me, I don't plan on going to my local party as a caveman: I'm goin' as a certain individual by the name of Phineas Gage.

And, yes: I believe that I wll be 'spiking' the punch.


Scientific Progress goes rushing out to its local Goodwill to buy a really cheap wig...


Posted by shanekentknolltrey at 7:01 PM ADT
Monday, 22 October 2007
Flyin' by the biggest li'l failed star in the System
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: "Jupiter, the bringer of Joallity", by Holst
Topic: Pseudoscientific Musings

This is kinda an old story, but I wanted to comment on it anyway:

Just about all the data from New Horizons' Jupiter flyby has been disseminated...

There's friggin' tons of high-detail shots of that lovely 'planet', and in more detail than we've ever seen before (the probe had some fun surfing along an ultra-active magneto-tail, too, I've read).

Funny planet, isn't it? Jupiter, I mean. I've never been comfortable thinking of it as a 'planet' in and of itself. For example: it's 2.5 times more massive than ALL THE OTHER PLANETS COMBINED, contains it's own 'mini Solar System' of moons, and posesses other abnormal properties that, considered in their entirety, make me wanna think of the big old guy as NOT a planet at all...

Personally, I think Jupiter should be classified as something very different... 

Whatever. It's really not 'fashionable' to call Jupiter a brown dwarf these days (and after the public lost Pluto to the planetary debate wars, well, who would wanna lose another one, huh?....) 

To hell with Jupiter for now. It's not even the main gist of my post, so there.

HERE'S the real topic of my post:

Free Image Hosting at

There it is in the distance: beautiful Europa.

Now, this baby deserves our full attention, I'd think. Sure, it's great that New Horizons is focusing on hittin' the Kuiper Belt and parts beyond, but why the obsession with Pluto, huh?

Let me try to make something clear...


There's several reasons for this, the most important being a layer of good ol' dihydrogen monoxide (aq) lying right beneath the surface layers.  There's evidence for the presence of heat... the presence of water... the presence of a tenable magnetosphere...

*Sigh*... our main problem is that NASA seems to be incredibly hyperopic... 

I'm a member of the 'possible life on Europa club' (though the dues are killer...). Although I haven't fleshed out its backstory in TYPERS completely , I posit that a major Bydo-related event occurrs in Europa's vicinity and strips the planet of much of its rocky surface layers, exposing a patchwork of massive waterways called the 'Rock Candy Oceans', and if one's inclined to dive way the hell down into the depths, they can observe strange primitive critters who use crystal lattices to store genetic information (this ability would be a crucial plot point near the end of everything...)

I call these strange li'l exobiotes the 'Crystalline Entities', too (Nothing says flattery like copyright infringement, yeah?...)

Hang on a minute: Patrick Stewart is at my door for some reason... and he looks pissed... 

Posted by shanekentknolltrey at 2:27 AM ADT
Saturday, 20 October 2007
Have a heart! (if not, then you can have this guy's...)
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Scientific Progress...

Can you really argue with this policy?

Bloody, f***king yes!

Alright, look: people need organs all the time, and being an organ donor is terrific and if your religious beliefs don't interfere then I most certainly reccommend it (it'll knock a few years off purgatory, if nothing else...)

Seriously: donation is beautiful.

But you cannot have a policy of ASSUMING that a decedent wants to have their corpse butchered as such. I've got lots of problems with the whole organ-donation network as it is (including many on the list of recipients...) although in the final analysis I'm fine with venting my spleen (and everything else) for the Greater Good.

But, I don't have the 'donation option' down on my license either. My wishes are known by all my immediate family and friends, but it's not official, as such (something about being wheeled into an OR after a bad accident and having some pencil pusher eyeing that symbol on my card with frothing lips really puts me off...)

Part of this debate also touches upon the old European secularist ideal of the New World Man (and his body) being a cog in the gears instead of an individual unto themselves.

Tell me this: after a bad traffic accident, does the paramedic have the right to assume that a mangled corpse's watch is up for grabs? After a plane crash, does the airline assume that the passengers' luggage that went on ahead of them is ripe for their coffers?

Well: what if they sent the watch and luggage off to charity? Is that any different? 

These might be poor examples, but there's something else very troubling to consider...

Take your average government-based, rationed health care system... The UK ain't exactly happy to provide all its citizens with the care they often need because, quite simply, this would bankrupt the already expensive government-managed healthcare coffers.

Now imagine doctors debating expensive procedures for otherwise healthy elderly patients and other 'dregs' on their system, while at the same time knowing that, unless these people have OFFICIAL WRITTEN DENIAL (with a government-supplied form that takes eight to ten weeks to process, no doubt...) then their current survival is denying someone else the use of their bodies... how selfish of them!

...what to do, huh?... what to do?... 

 If the EU doesn't already have an opt-out system (and I'd assume, actually, that organ 'donation' is likely mandatory in that Brave New World...) then at least Mr Lazarescu would've been allowed to hang around an OR instead of being shuttled around from hospital to hospital in his movie (he could make small talk with the surgeon standing beside him, sharpening his knives in anticipation...)

I'm kinda nasty today, aren't I?  Whatever my ideology, I'll close by appealing to everyone out there to be a donor ('cause someday your heart might give someone a new start...)

But that's YOUR CHOICE, and no government or third party has the right to assume that you've no problem with being flayed apart like a side of beef. Donors are true heroes, worthy of praise and thanks, but unwitting providers are discardable cogs, used as little more than a mere means to an end.

As for Scientific Progress? It goes dumpster-diving for discarded pig entrails (they're almost as good, right...?  ;)

Posted by shanekentknolltrey at 7:42 PM ADT
Updated: Saturday, 20 October 2007 7:57 PM ADT
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
Introducing "McBain: Let's Get Silly!"
Mood:  spacey
Topic: General

...okay, so pi and euler's number walk into a bar, sit at the barstools and start hootin' and hollerin'. Pi buys a round of drinks, then e buys, and so on and so forth.

Eventually the bartender asks them both what exactly they're celebrating. Pi looks at the bartender with a shiteater grin and yells: "IT'S THURSDAY!!!" 

The bartender slowly backs away as the numbers get quashed, and when the manager comes along the bartender asks him what the hell is up with those two.

The manager looks at the inebreated digits, sighs and shakes his head:

"I dunno. I just don't know. They're always comin' in and partying for no reason at all. I guess I'll just never understand that kind of irrational exuberance..."

*Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp*...

I'm here all week, by the way; try the veal.

Posted by shanekentknolltrey at 4:15 PM ADT
Updated: Wednesday, 17 October 2007 4:38 PM ADT
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Not in the sense of a sitcom, mind you...
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: "The Way", by Fastball

Inasmuch as I like to assign my writing projects a specific 'theme song' (and I do), I've come to find that the "Reign of Eden's" theme song is Fastball's 'The Way'.

I know you've all heard this one about a trillion times before... 

I'm not particuarly mad about this music video, either (ah, the 90's...)
None of the lyrics are gonna go into the story, of course... not like I've done with TYPERS and 'Serenade'. The fact that I'm inspired by the lyrics is just a point of fact, that's all, and while the real story behind the song is a little depressing I've found that a certain interpretation is a perfect summary of the central thesis of the R.O.E.:
We're not getting paradise back. We lost it, a long time ago, and in doing so we became something different than God desired, but still something with worth. The best we can do is grow, both technologically and psychologically, knowing that the crude shadows of our bodies might never see heaven, but that our souls are destined for God's country, at least.
Most importantly: We CANNOT force our way back into the gates of Eden, literally or figuratively, and our innocence as a species (our cherry) was indeed traded for an apple (pun!). In this form, in this life, the best we can do is help each other grow in mind and body. If we ever have a CHANCE to redeem our animal 'innocence' (say, if civilization were destroyed...) we should still pass on the offer. We're imperfect creatures, children of God though we be, and we stopped being mere cattle long ago, for good or for ill...
This is the part of the song that I simply can't get over: 

"They drank up the wine
And they got to talking
They now had more important things to say
And when the car broke down they started walking
Where were they going without ever knowing the way?
Anyone could see the road that they walked on was paved in gold
And it’s always summer they’ll never get cold
They’ll never get hungry, they’ll never get old and grey.
You can see their shadows wandering off somewhere
They won’t make it home but they really don’t care:
They wanted the highway, they’re happier there today."

 Hells, yeah...

Posted by shanekentknolltrey at 12:47 AM ADT
Sunday, 14 October 2007
The Pullman Case
Mood:  not sure
Topic: Entertaining Insights

It's coming...

Let me say that I have EXTREMELY mixed feelings about this Pullman yarn; I read the books when I was younger (and have yet to even get to the third one, I confess... so I left off with the li'l male protagonist approached by Angels lookin' to kill their mean 'ol bastard of a God...)

But I did read the synopsis, so there.

So Philip Pullman, no surprise here, is a rabidly anti-Christian (and other religions I suppose, though the cross has a special place in his antipathic heart) and he sees himself as the children's version of atheist gadfly Christopher Hitchins. The mantra espoused in each of the 'His Dark Materials' books is simple: 'God's NOT in his heaven, and all is WRONG with the world' (for those that got my Tess of the d'Urbervilles reference, I thank you...)

Alright: simple enough. But there's also another problem: anti-religious, rabid and insipid hatred-spouter that he is (and he IS...) Philip Pullman is also an immensely talented writer and I count 'The Golden Compass' book as a fantastical and extremely satisfying adventure story despite the rank anti-Christian (and I'll say in particular anti-Catholic) spiel that is evident throughout. The man's prose FLOWS, for God's sake (and but for His sake...) and the story's absolutely gripping.

The whole 'daemon' thing? Lord, sheer brilliance...

'The Subtle Knife' was slightly less entertaining to me (enough so that I didn't go on, obviously) but I was rather affected by this storyline. So much so that, in fact, you can trace the name of my second TYPERS book, 'His Moral Antipathy', to a ripoff of his series title: 'His Dark Materials'.

They say that the anti-religious fervor will be toned down in the upcoming film, and I believe that. I'm not saying I'm in favor of the movie, and I'm not gonna picket it either. One problem some people note is that kiddies who see the flick will be tempted to start readin' the books and, thus, more li'l kids will be indoctrinated into the Church of the Anti-Christians.

Whatever. More salvation for me, I suppose. Pullman's anti-religious themes within the HDM books are actually most juvenile and weak: if C.S. Lewis made his readers think with some of the tropes in his 'Narnia' books then Pullman makes readers see how petty he really is as a debater: of COURSE God is a twitty prawn if you create a whole universe around the fact that he is and simply cast the opposing side as more evil and stupid twits (C.S. Lewis, you'll remember, at least had the Good Calormen soldier in 'The Last Battle'...)

The books're the cheapest of shots, and don't constitute satire as much as laughable parody. The subtext within them reads not as a clever analysis and critique of religion, but more as a window into the empty heart of one very, very, very talented man.

My Justin Storm is a religious, marginally, and that mirrors myself somewhat, but guess what? Instead of painting atheism and agnosticism as EVIL and DISGUSTING from the outset I'm bein' realistic: so far in my writing I've shown that religion is somewhat less than a healthy force in my main character's life at the moment. The fact that, ultimately, it becomes a MOST crucial plot point due to the fact that something theoretical is shown to probably exist isn't until later, and even then I'd never assault the opposing side so much as Pullman derisively chooses to do (my main female character is a rank atheist, for example, and I happen to adore her, so I've built myself a complicated platform from which I must proceed...)

However, some people don't seem to do well with 'complicated' arguments. It's all just black and white to them. Good and bad, smart and dumb...

Gods, and devils... 

Posted by shanekentknolltrey at 3:31 AM ADT

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