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Topic: Random Political Diatribe
It looks like the good ol' Persian Empire's gonna take another cyclical step backwards in its desperate march to join the modern world...
Beware of the Warriors of Vice 'n Virtue...
Whatever... yeah: you go ahead and beat the ladies with lipstick and the men with improper moustaches (awesome alliteration, no?). That should solve all the problems crippling your part of the world. Twits...
I'd also encourage them to start slaughterin' the gays, too, but of course there ARE no gays in Iran (just like "there are no cats in America"!)
(...uh, as a side note, I'm not equating gays with mouse-eatin' carnivores, but I'm just trying to complain about the f**king raghead autocrats-)
Kinda reminds me of the story (and I can't reference it, so please don't take my word for it) of the Saudi 'Vice' goons who forced women and young girls fleeing a burning dormitory back into the flames (and their deaths) because the mongrel sluts had the gall to go outside (read: flee for their lives) without their head coverings.
Well, Mahmoud, how can I protest your autocratic crackdown on your own society?...
How indeed...