Topic: General
A... surprisingly observant soul pointed out that I rendered Chenine's Essene with a teddy bear in her hands in my recent pic, whereas I describe her as posessing a creepy-looking stuffed bunny doll in the last chapter...
This isn't exactly an incredibly important point, mind you, but it is a small nitpicky detail, and I'm all about the small nitpicky details... symbolism in particular. My original intent, naturally, was to have Mehta tote around a creepy stuffed bunny doll a-la the Velveteen Rabbit... the symbolism there almost writes itself...
I just screwed up with the image: substituting a teddy bear for a bunny, but I actually like the change-up. For one thing, the rabbit idea is godlessly predictable (and I DON'T enjoy beating people over the heads with the obvious, if I'm smart enough to avoid it...) and I've got enough rabbit analogies in the story as it is (I believe that TWO different characters in the story have nicknames lifted from Watership Down at this point: little "Pipkin" Piperel (the base doctor's daughter) and Justin "Fiver" Storm.
I think that Mehta's bunny needs to be changed to a teddy. Symbolism's still in place: a teddy bear is a childhood comfort, ain't it? (and just the kind of thing a kid would cling to if she had a... well, 'emotionally distant' parent, isn't that right?)
I've got a chapter brewing in my noggin already where I introduce a very short-lived Bydo Entity who posthumously receives the codename 'Velveteen' (on account of her/its own thesis). I think that's really enough rabbit allusions to go around.
F**k, I don't even LIKE rabbits that much (I prefer them on my plate than on my lap, if you catch my drift...)
Now I'm hungry........