Random musings from the noggin' of Knolltrey
(Best viewed on a monitor running Mozilla Firefox, with a brain running on a case of Grolsh...)
Monday, 12 November 2007
The House of the Mouse! (...not THAT one...)
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Entertaining Insights

I have a gift coming in the mail soon: the first four seasons of the greatest cartoon show in the history of animation!


I suppose that I'm just a big kid at heart, and alot of this is just nostalgia, but still: DangerMouse is inarguably the greatest thing to come out of Great Britain since the Beatles ("Cor!").
I remember like it was yesterday: sittin' on the shag rug after school in front of the massive, non-flat-screen TV, my face baked by the humming, tempermental cathode-ray-tube as a (then) brand-new eipsode of the mighty mouse (no relation...) hit the US airwaves on that gilded gem of a TV station: Nickelodeon (this was during the 'Golden Age' of that channel in the early 80's, before kids were treated as morons with 'Nick Jr.' etc... and before shows that appealed to adults as much as kiddies were eschewed for more... well... mundane fare...
...strange of me to criticize the Japanese animation scene, isn't it? Well, I'm generally a HUGE supporter, but like American TV, the Japs put out more than their fair share of mindless twittery. British shows... well... while less sleek and appealing overall, tend to be infused with a mesure of... I dunno: intelligence and quality that's admirable, at least in my book.
But there's no debating DM: the mouse is the man, and don't you forget it!
Now, then: I'm off to stake out a spot near my mailbox... 

Posted by shanekentknolltrey at 1:20 AM MNT
Updated: Monday, 12 November 2007 12:53 PM MNT

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