Random musings from the noggin' of Knolltrey
(Best viewed on a monitor running Mozilla Firefox, with a brain running on a case of Grolsh...)
Saturday, 10 November 2007
Final attempt to crash the page (or: "The Imageshacked")
Mood:  quizzical

Alright: no more pictures forever after this (or at least for a hell of a long time).

Well, here it is, and it sucks...

Too bad, really...

A bunch of things went wrong here, IMO (don't you hate that abbrv.? OMFG....) 

Free Image Hosting at

Of everything that went wrong, I'm most miffed that I can't make convincing 'jangles' for Ever's boots (whereupon, naturally, her Karat Spheres reside). The attempt to put in a leg iron on the reflection is somewhat laughable, too...

Question one would be: why is the logo in Japanese (and, of course, what does it mean)? Well, if AltaVista's BabelFish served me right, it's a funny little pun (to me, at least) and as for the choice of Japanese... well... I wanted this image to stand out for SOMETHING, other than badness, and in addition Samantha will be revealed to be a practitioner of high-level iaido later on (and she even has her own genuine shinken, so there). She's a badass, after all, and while her speciality from her days as a SPAR Marine Commando is Krav, I wanted her to have a little swordplay in her repertoire as well.

Why? Well, she and Chenine start training together (the latter with a spray-painted wooden sword, natch), and a significant plot point hinges upon the difference between Chenine's wooden training sword and Sam's lethally sharp katana (and the ability to tell that difference ON SIGHT...). 

*sigh*... anyway, this pic sucks.

Well, I've got a GOOD picture to use to counter this li'l mess, and to satisfy my ego I'll go ahead and play that card now:

 Free Image Hosting at

Stay away from him: he'll rip yo' lungs out, Jim!

(But I don't think I'd like to meet his tailor...)  

Posted by shanekentknolltrey at 2:09 AM MNT

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