Random musings from the noggin' of Knolltrey
(Best viewed on a monitor running Mozilla Firefox, with a brain running on a case of Grolsh...)
Thursday, 8 November 2007

In order to make the pageloads for this site as slow as possible (because... well, I care :) here's a li'l picture of Chenine and her Essene (that almost rhymes!)... 

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And I might as well repost the Justin/Quint image for the hell of it, since last time I forgot to add Quint's necklace/collar to the image (I almost forgot Mehta's teddy-bear, but when I was coloring in her green eyes I remembered the importance of those li'l Karat Spheres... uh, if you haven't read any of TYPERS, then forget it...)

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Now all I need to do is the last one at some point: Samantha and 'Ever', sitting on top of one wing of her Raiden, Ever in Samantha's lap and a full-body reflection beneath them (...guess I'd need to render them both in Poser at the same time for the lap thing... shouldn't take more than two hours for my computer to process... ugh...)

If there's any curiosity, the reason I didn't put Chenine's Raiden and a reflection into her pic is because I have no f***king idea how to put the Chaste Gazer into an image (and given its opal finish, it wouldn't reflect anything too well in any event, would it?).

Again, if you haven't read any of TYPERS, never mind... 

Posted by shanekentknolltrey at 1:49 AM MNT
Updated: Thursday, 8 November 2007 2:00 AM MNT

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