Random musings from the noggin' of Knolltrey
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Friday, 2 November 2007
I'll take the 'penis mightier', Alex.
Mood:  cool
Topic: Entertaining Insights

Hollywood: the land of high fantasy, glitz, glamour, celebs galore...

...and a bunch of friggin' pissed-off writers.

Good for them. Seems that they want some of the moolah from DVD sales, which are a lucrative business these days for any movie or TV show (don't believe me? How do you think Family Guy got resurrected?)

I'm not a huge fan of scripted TV shows (I like late night comics like Conan and Leno, 'natch) but I'm still gonna feel the pinch of this strike, and so will most TV viewers (and movie viewers, too, if it goes on long enough...)

But I fully support these writers' demands (wouldn't I, though? ;) With all the glitz and star-power behind most projects people often forget that most celebrities and a-listers can't put together more than a few cogent sentences during an interview, let alone droll out the entertaining wit they 'naturally' spew in these shows (the average IQ of your A-lister is, judging by their composure in the limelight, significantly below average...)

Do you want that woman writing the words she's gonna speak in her next schmoozy project? Image the horror! Most things with Sally Field in them are bad enough (minus Forrest Gump and Mrs. Doubtfire, where her relative lack of screentime helped remove the sting...)
Celebrities surviving on their own wits!? Pleasch!!!!
Enough fun, here. I don't really wanna just dump on celebrities, here, but let's recognize that the writers are MORE IMPORTANT that the actors, all in all, because even though most people would gladly listen to Kiefer Sutherland read from the telephone book, most actors can't be who they are without the benefit of that world constructed around them.
It is a world of artiface, a world of fantasy.
It's a world created by writers, and while the smiling face of an a-lister puts the icing on that world, its the solid cake beneath it, a bedrock of good lines and poignant conversation, that holds the world together.
So give 'em hell, boys and girls. The pen is, indeed, mightier than the sword, and you can even use it as a sword, as these scribblers prove.

Posted by shanekentknolltrey at 7:36 PM ADT
Updated: Friday, 2 November 2007 7:46 PM ADT

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