Mood: a-ok
Now Playing: 'We didn't start the fire' by Billy Joel
Topic: Entertaining Insights
It's not so much the content of this story that intrigued me so much as the title:
'Burning Man loses its innocence'?
What is so 'innocent' about a multi-day drug 'n sex marathon in the middle of the desert in the first place, anyway?
(those back-to-back links contain four separate sources to describe, respectively, the death, rape, assault, and hypocritical commercialism of this glowing annual tribute to 'freedom'...
One idiot performance artist's fire has ruined the 'innocence' of this beloved and 'harmless' festival?
No, no, no... I'm afraid I beg to differ; my links up there demonstrate (along with the overall reputation of this faux-hippie shindig in recent years) that the flame-wielder in question didn't start the 'fire' that destroyed this festival's presumed 'innocence'...
It's been burnin' since festival's been returnin', year after year after year...
(that's a fancy way of saying that the festival had about as much innocence to begin with as a Thalidomide baby has spare toes)
Wow... that was in surprisingly poor taste, even for me...
And now, since this post is now all but dedicated to 'that song': here's something you'll really like...
(hopefully that reference will help us forget that Thalidomide unpleasantness...)