
Now Playing: That Sappy 'Titanic' theme by Celine Dion...
Topic: General
But, on a more serious note, this just goes to prove the sentiments in my previous post about this idiotic flag-planting venture...
...I think it's both, Mister President...
On a more personal note, I'm f*****g pissed to report that the first dozen or so pages of the other story I've been working on were erased due to my idiocy (some advice: never put your docs on a computer's 'Shared Folder' just so you can easily access it from multiple computers on your home network: if it gets blown up, Word DOESN'T help with an auto-recovery...)
It was a good start to the book, too. If anything, though, the loss has motivated me to kick out the rest of my draft... I'm gonna come back to the beginning later on (a loss like this doesn't seem HALF as bad when you've gotten through a hundred more pages, or so).
Make no mistake: 'Eden' will reign...
On YET ANOTHER note: I don't mind if someone wants to use the poorly-made Photoshop images on this site (it's flattering if someone wants them, if not disturbing...) just so long as I get some kinda credit. Precious time goes into making these; sometimes I spend several hundred seconds on a single image, so gimme props, homey...
...Lord, I'm gonna slap myself around for that one. Right after I kick back my last Grolsch, here...