Random musings from the noggin' of Knolltrey
(Best viewed on a monitor running Mozilla Firefox, with a brain running on a case of Grolsh...)
Saturday, 11 August 2007
From the half-shell to the porcelain shell...
Mood:  hungry
Topic: General

People should always remember that sea-critters are our friends, especially when it comes to the dinner table Tongue out...

But that ain't always the case, I suppose...

Personally I loooove oysters, and not just any oyster: RAW oysters, wriggling and squishy, juicy and salty. Melt-in-your-intestinal-tract good! The uber-rich have their caviar (which, thankfully, I can't stomach, and so I don't have to covet their largess...) and the rest of us are allowed this DELICIOUS seaborne delicacy...

It doesn't take a genius to know that there are risks involved in eating a slimy ocean-dwelling creature straight out of the drink, and alive (despite what trial lawyers want to say, I agree that the culinary raw oyster is an exercise in Russian-roulette, albeit an EXTRAORDINARILY TASTY one...). 

Look: we don't push for legal damages from a restaurant that raises our cholesterol to dangerously high levels through buttery cooking (though some idiot nanny-state wankers are working on it...) nor do we sue the makers of gun ammunition when there's a shooting death (though, again, wankers are at work...) so I say that when you load up that raw oyster with lemon and tabasco sauce you should consider yourself to be in Vegas, and your dinner table dealt with cards: only the odds are substantially in your favor.

But, again: if you're not willing to play the possible stakes, then put that oyster fork down, 'kay?

...(I suppose that, in my analogy, the toilet seat would act as a roulette wheel, or something)...

Uh, let's just get off the whole gambling analogy, huh? 

Lord, I'm hungry...

Posted by shanekentknolltrey at 12:01 AM ADT

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