
Now Playing: "Duelin' Masses"...
Topic: General
Lazy Sundays are made for bein' lazy...
At the moment I'm listening to the Missa Solemnis (latin for... uh, big... scary mass...) This is the one everyone tends to get wet over, and its said that The Big 'B' never produced anything finer...
Since I'm neither educated or smart enough to critique such monumental opuses on their worth, I can safely say that I prefer the Mass in C without being ridiculed by those in the know. Ignorance, it turns out, is bliss.
Yeah, the Solenmis might be 'greater', but it's so... so...
Mass in C is like Ode to Joy: any idiot can be apprciative of it. If the Missa Solemnis is, say, Moby Dick (follow me on this one...), then the Mass in C is The Wrath of Kahn: it's got the same general themes and thesis, but with a far more accessible presentation and emotional context.
Beethoven wrote the Missa Solemnis with technical finess and reverence. He wrote the Mass in C with emotion (says I, at least...).
Mass in C is also notable for containing the best damn Kyrie ever written...