Mood: caffeinated
Topic: Scientific Progress...
Genetic engineering has brought us glowing tobacco plants and glowing fish.
Researchers didn't stop there: now we've got schizophrenic mice (I don't think they're luminescent, although they might believe that they're glowing fish or glowing tobacco plants...)
Neat implications. Was a time you could simulate mental illness and psychosis in mice by rattling their cages for three days straight (that's not a joke...) but now, apparently, the researchers say that the genes they screwed-up in their mental mice are good candidates for the analogous schizophrenia-causing genes in humans.
No offense, but that's kinda like spraying a building full of anti-fortification ordinance and then claiming that one of the load-bearing walls was responsible for the place's collapse...
Eh, someday this data should prove quite valueable. Until then, however, we're stuck with a pack of mice like this one:
Scientific progress goes scurrying straight into the nearest wall...
(Photo taken from National Geographic... and doctored... but the real psycho mice are rumored to harbor similar delusions...)