Mood: caffeinated
Topic: Entertaining Insights
At long last, it appears that the 'tortue-porn' genre is going the way of bellbottoms and acid-tees.
Now, from what I've seen, this 'Captivity' stuff is possibly the dumbest thing to hit the big screen since 'Yippeeeeee! Skywalker' came a tromping to a theater near you. But still, I'm hoping that this puts another nail into the coffin of movies such as 'Hostel' and your 'Hills Have Eyes' banalities.
These AREN'T horror movies!
Wanna see the face of real horror?
Kick-ass HORROR films like the Shining often kept their body counts very, very low: that's the sign of a real talent for horror. If you scare the shit out of your audience with tension and good old-fashioned creepy atmosphere before anything even happens then you don't NEED the bevy of bound, gagged, naked, decapitated co-eds flailing around...
Honestly, Silent Hill taught us to fear the unknown much more than the known: the scariest parts of those games were the times when NOTHING REALLY HAPPENED, but one walked down through the darkness like a prisoner condemned. (I'm talking about the video game and NOT the terrible movie it was adapted into: ironically the producers eschewed all the great atmospheric trappings of the game to make a 'torture-porn-lite' movie.)
Honestly, I'd rather have American filmmakers keep ripping-off Japanese horror flicks if this kind of trash is the best they can do...