Random musings from the noggin' of Knolltrey
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Thursday, 20 August 2009
On Zelda, and real films, too
Mood:  chatty
Topic: Entertaining Insights

 How about a little more about my reasoning behind this whole Zelda sample script thing...

One of the principle things that attracts me to Ocarina of Time's storyline is the fact that, in the final analysis, a good story could be made almost entirely from the point of view of Link but which is, at its core, actually all about the eponomous princess in question.

...and just what do I mean by that?

Well, consider that in the original game, after Link awakens from his seven-year slumber (in my adaptation its actually a 12-year leave of absence, and not a magical suspended-animation trick) his warrior friend 'Sheik' follows him around- happy-go-lucky, almost- giving advice to Link as he goes on his little quest...

Considering what Zelda did as a kid, and the little mistake she made that caused her people such unimaginable horror under the rule of Ganondorf... I find this characterization a little 'off': 'Sheik' should be a character absolutely consumed with guilt and (in my adaptation) one that harbors fairly intense personally-destructive characterists.

 And, of course, the one person 'Sheik' hates most would have to be the Princess of Hyrule.

So far my story deviates in several other ways: in the video game the kids are about 10 and the adults about 17, or so. My timeline has the kids (Link and Zelda, at least) a little younger- around 8ish, although Malon is slightly older- and their older counterparts about 20ish.

Also, whereas the original game involved actual, physical timetravel on Link's part, I handle the whole process a little... 'differently'...

Probably my greatest sin (for nitpicky fanboys out there) is that I gave the 'Master Sword' a proper name:

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 Strange name, huh? Well: that's just the cumbersome old 'Ancient Hylian' langugage, for you...

I meant to talk about District 9, here, too, and a certain film critic I've noticed doing some really weird things, too, but that'll have to wait a day, I think: Shane's plate is full at the moment, and its not even 4:00 AM yet!


Posted by shanekentknolltrey at 6:05 AM ADT

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