Topic: Scientific Progress...
Look alive, mammals!
Unknown to me until this afternoon, it seems that the IUCN (ie: people who determine what lifeforms are endangered or thriving on the Blue Marble) has finally put out an official conservation status for Homo Sapiens sapiens.
...uh, if you're wondering: yes, we're doing fine, apparently.
It's a bit inaccurate, that "least concern" rating, though: apparently the IUCN doesn't have an "overpopulated" category, or anything. And it doesn't take into account the more "realistic" threats we face compared to other happy-as-a-clam animals... like... well, clams, I guess. All that report tells us is that... well, the human animal is not in any immediate danger of being eaten to extinction by anything else out there.
Thanks for the heads-up, eggheads...
In related news, Scientific Progress begins a study to find out why water is so wet...