Random musings from the noggin' of Knolltrey
(Best viewed on a monitor running Mozilla Firefox, with a brain running on a case of Grolsh...)
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
The fox, the fox... the fox is on fire...
Mood:  cheeky
Topic: Copyright-Infringementish

Well, out with the old and in with the new...

I recently updated to Firefox 3 and haven't noticed much difference (except for that annoying 'bookmark star' on the address column).

That, and the fact that all the, oh, 12 or so widgets and add-ons and whatnot I had on the last version of the browser no longer work (hell: why would they? I mean, was this update supposed to be better, or something?)

Well, Firefox still beats IE, 'natch (except on those damn sites that 'require(s) Internet Explorer 6 or later...' to function). That's casting a narrow net, ain't it? May I ask why anyone would limit their internet commerce to users with only one type of browser?

Maybe 'cause they think that it's Firefox that's unreliable...



'Ungraceful', maybe, but not quite unreliable, as such...

Posted by shanekentknolltrey at 6:18 PM ADT

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