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Topic: A Hello to Arms
Well, now, it seems that during the week the justices of the US Supreme Court went and upheld the constitutionality of... well... the Constitution.
The Second Amendment actually means something, apparently!
Whatever one's view on gun politics, I've always been amused by people who believed that the 'militia clause' in the 2nd meant that only members of the armed forces could have firearms (remember: during revolutionary times a 'militiaman' was ANYONE of fighting age who had something to fight for).
On top of that, to believe that the Second Amendment was meant to TAKE AWAY a right from the people would be to believe that it is the ONLY RULE in the Bill of Rights that LIMITS personal freedoms: EVERY OTHER ONE of the original amendments either granted the people extra freedoms, or limited the government's own freedom.
Now, we've since created such freedom-limiting amendments, but it should be noted that any laws added to the Constitution that limit freedom often suffer terrible fates...
As I've said before, I agree with this interpretation of the constitution, and wholeheartedly support the right of law-abiding and responsible citizens to keep AND BEAR arms (and by using the term 'responsible', yes: I am not averse to background checks and other safety measures).
As for 'gun violence'? Tell you what: add an additional 20 years on to the sentence for anyone who commits a crime with a firearm. I'd support that.
Ironically, many of the people who so loathe the Second Amendment do not support such draconian anti-violence laws, though...
After all: the gun made 'em do it, right?
Whatever your personal view on this ruling, one must understand that it's absolutely the right one, and not just a shot in the dark.