
Topic: General
The first time I stopped posting here regularly it was Tripod's fault (as I've previously stated).
For this whole month, though, well... that was my fault.
The blog's downtime kinda got me used to not having to spend the laborious 5-minutes a day I would normally spend working on this wonderful piece of art (insert sarcasm mark). And as free time has gone, I hit a wall in ROE that required copious attention on my part, and it was nice to drop this website thing like a sack of flour.
Buuuuuuut flour makes bread, don't you know, and by not keeping up with the posts here I've gotten more slackerish (it's a word... look it up... yeah...) in other aspects of my creative processes. So, bottom line is, this site's back up and running, and damned if I won't post here DAILY for a time, at least.
If nothing else, it'll keep reminding me to finish the rest of "His Moral Antipathy" (and no, the current chapter ain't done yet to my satisfaction). This breakneck speed of delivery makes me the DMV of authors, I know, but sometimes real life has a way of selfishly interfering with the wonderful world of fantasy.
And, if nothing else, the sabbatical has given me renewed insight into where I need to go with the overall story in TYPERS. When it comes to deliberations I have a penchant for measuring thrice, and cutting not a once: I've always known where I'm going with this story, but how to get there's always been the sticky wicket...
And, to carry an absurd analogy further, I'm now committed to smashing the croquet ball through the uneven course, rather than just tring to adjust that damn wicket's location on the green.
Maybe that's not clear enough...
In other words, it's past time that I started actually playing through this thing.
And picking up on this site is the first step in picking up the mallet.