so, yeah...
In addition to being a grade-A moron of the highest possible caiber, that man in the video is also suffering from a little ailment called Argyria (go on, say it out loud; that word friggin' rolls off the tongue better n' even 'cellar door'. Take that, Tolkein!
This blue-balled genius used electroplated silver rubbing componds directly on his face. Still does, even, and all to clear up some acne, or whatever.
You'd think he woulda stopped when his friggin' skin turned blue, wouldn't you?
Anyway, unlike Carotenemia, Argyria is not harmless. All that silver eventually starts attacking your guts and your brain. Not that you wouldn't already have to have a compromized brain pan to start such a treatment in the first place, but if this hillbilly twit keeps these treatments up he's gonna find himself looking down the barrel of a very nasty li'l coma.
Well, not physically looking, of course, but in the figurative sense...
I'm digging up this stuff for research, 'natch. In R.O.E. I think I'm gonna have the main villianess, Lady Nous, be a regular consumer of high-grade silver shards to the point where her skin gets all blue-ified...
...don't ask why: there's about three different reasons, offhand, and it goes to symbolism, as much as the part about her taking crude-oil baths...
But the physical manifestation of Argyria is kinda disappointing: when I first heard about it I somehow thought it meant that the sufferer's veins got a high-definition contrast, and that the whites of their eyes started blue-ing, too (consider, for example, Obadiah Stane's paralyzing sound emitter weapon from that most intelligent superhero movie, Iron Man, and the short-term on-screen effects it caused)
And I'd like to point out that I ain't ripping them off: I've had this idea for this character for months, now.
Eh: I think that kinda veiny, blue-eyed pallor is how I'll describe Nous' appearance, anyway, just because the idea of it is so... so 'off'.
And to make a memorable, unsettling villian, well: 'off' is a very good place to start.