
Now Playing: The "Raider's Theme" from ROTLA
Topic: Pseudoscientific Musings
Here's a hardly-novel story from across the desert sands.
*Yawn* Yes, yes: we'll have the Ark in no time, and all that. Heard it before, but I've yet to see the damn thing and its stunning tablets of law sitting in a museum yet.
...uh: these treasure hunters should remember that, assuming they find the thing, it supposedly kills on contact, so wear thick gloves, people.
Personally I think that the Ark is a bit inaccessible to us flesh-and-bloods at this point in time... Doesn't matter: it'd be more than nice to have the vessel and its contents on display (precluding any muderous angels or kill-on-contact abilities, mind you...) but as spiritual laws go, we've already had an updated version of that program installed on our spiritual hard-drives anyway, so the Ark is, in the final analysis, moot.
...unless you're Jewish. In that case, go wild: its the definitive bond between yourselves and El Shaddai, after all...
(makes you wonder: would the state of Israel attempt to claim ownership of the thing when it's found? Y'know: a-la Spain and shipwreck salvagers? Of course, the stakes here are slightly higher than just a paltry half-a-billion dollars-worth of gold bullion...)
As for me, I'm content to let such artifacts (assuming they still exist in this plane of existence) rest.
Godspeed, in any event...