Random musings from the noggin' of Knolltrey
(Best viewed on a monitor running Mozilla Firefox, with a brain running on a case of Grolsh...)
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
Just wait 'till I'm a few hundred miles away before opening THAT sucker up...
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: The "Raider's Theme" from ROTLA
Topic: Pseudoscientific Musings

Here's a hardly-novel story from across the desert sands.

*Yawn* Yes, yes: we'll have the Ark in no time, and all that. Heard it before, but I've yet to see the damn thing and its stunning tablets of law sitting in a museum yet.

...uh: these treasure hunters should remember that, assuming they find the thing, it supposedly kills on contact, so wear thick gloves, people.

Personally I think that the Ark is a bit inaccessible to us flesh-and-bloods at this point in time... Doesn't matter: it'd be more than nice to have the vessel and its contents on display (precluding any muderous angels or kill-on-contact abilities, mind you...) but as spiritual laws go, we've already had an updated version of that program installed on our spiritual hard-drives anyway, so the Ark is, in the final analysis, moot.

...unless you're Jewish. In that case, go wild: its the definitive bond between yourselves and El Shaddai, after all...

(makes you wonder: would the state of Israel attempt to claim ownership of the thing when it's found? Y'know: a-la Spain and shipwreck salvagers? Of course, the stakes here are slightly higher than just a paltry half-a-billion dollars-worth of gold bullion...) 

As for me, I'm content to let such artifacts (assuming they still exist in this plane of existence) rest.

Godspeed, in any event... 

Posted by shanekentknolltrey at 1:30 PM ADT

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