Random musings from the noggin' of Knolltrey
(Best viewed on a monitor running Mozilla Firefox, with a brain running on a case of Grolsh...)
Thursday, 8 May 2008
Vicious Motherf**kers!!!

I think I've mentioned this before, but I have a running battle with all the wild swans that live on my city's lake ('all' being about two families, but still...); if I wobble past them on my kayak dropping pieces of bread into the water then they love me, if the bread runs out they hate me, if I don't drop bread FAST enough they hate me, if I look at 'em the wrong way they hate me...

you get the pattern, I think.

There's a new one to add to the list: if I accidentally stumble upon the little under-bridge island they're using to hatch their little babies, then they REAAAALY hate me...

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So that's the best on-water picture I've managed of any of these half-heart-shaped bastards (who, I say, have significantly less than half-a-heart...) and it nearly cost me my paddle: two seconds later this bastard was diving against the boat lunging for my friggin' nuts!

In his defense, I did stumble upon his nesting ground: he and his mate were sitting under dense brush, and there were dark down feathers ALL OVER the undergrowth (ie: a shedding baby, or two-dozen...)

Needless to say, I was paddling for my life for a good quarter-mile down the water: this daddy did't f**k around with me...

Upon seeing them later on I suppose that they only have one kid, or at least just one survivor from a larger feathered brood...

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They're so pretty that I should love 'em, but for the moment I just love to hate 'em.




...and yes: no updates for almost a week, again. I'd apologize, but seeing's how the site is free, I don't think I owe explanations, do I? ;)  I do ask for indulgences, though: after I post this upcoming double-chapter feature of TYPERS there's only going to be two chapters left in His Moral Antipathy: "Where Me and My True Love Will Never Meet Again" and "Mono No Aware".

That'll be it: the third and final book is slated to begin directly on the heels of HMA's cliffhanger ending.

I've even already got the final chapter's 'closer art' assembled and ready to go, so there... 

Posted by shanekentknolltrey at 5:59 PM ADT
Updated: Thursday, 8 May 2008 6:13 PM ADT

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