
Topic: Scientific Progress...
This time it's Shane himself that gets the benefit of scientific progress:
I got my TYPERS montage up on the main site; it glides on a smooth stream, it plays mp3-quality sound, it has picture and volume controls, it has good resolution even at full-screen viewing, it'll clean your house, cook your steaks and get wine stains out of carpet: everything one could ask for!
My noobness quotient is dropping, I think...
Of course, the fact that it works for ME implies that it won't work for the majority of computer users simply by taking Murphy's Law into account. If one owns a Mac (god help you anyway...) this is WMV so, again, the thing might not work right.
For that matter I've only tested it on Firefox 'cause... well... that's what I use, so there. Other browsers might... I dunno: explode, or something bad.
Hope not, anyway...
Scientific Progress goes to look for more code it doesn't understand to tinker with...