
This is a totally "TYPERS"-related post, so if you don't care, you know what to do...
As long as I'm on the subject of eyes (and I still am), I churned out a five-minute art piece from source material graciously provided by the GNU free license over at
Yeah: I stole the entire eye image and barely modified it at all. Eh: I rationalize it by saying that, unlike all the OTHER source material I've cannabalized to make some of my other images, this one's technically open to such use, per the license.
So, there.
What to call it? "Reflections on Antithesis"?
(sounds like some really bad case of Engrish, or something...)
Ostensibly the eye up there belongs to Ever, bein' blood-red and all, but it's certainly not obvious.
I've found the technical relationship between Antithesis and Ever troubling of late: Ever is, after all, BYDO Core material stolen from the Great Communion in Dimension 26 in order to create the Platinum Heart, whereas the rest of that Core went on to attack Earth as the Galilean Mass; a certain part of that stuff later encounters Justin Storm at Deimos as the Antithesis Entity...
So, at the end of the day, technically, Ever and Anti are identical twins...
I say 'technically' 'cause it's a moot point; the relationship between Anti and Justin is far more important (infinitely so) than that between Ever and Anti. In fact, I don't think it'll be an issue at all: both of them are smart enough to put two-and-two together, but kinda like the fact that the Joker technically knows who Batman really is, but simply doesn't care, so too are neither of them interested in their own relationship.
Besides: it really is just semantics. They're identical in source material only:
Antitiesis was born out of a minutes-long download of human prejudices and basal instincts, and that's all he's running on. He's a monster.
Ever was born out of her own long-term unique experience with her pilot, understanding her pilot's mind, and from analyzing the learning experiences Quint and Mehta had with their pilots.
I don't wanna say too terribly much, but it's not too difficult to figure out: she's a human.