
Shane's been drinking tonight, and that has a way of making a person pine for stuff... my case, I'm pining for the northern part of the non-emerald isle...
I took that picture a couple years back from the Eastern shore of the Northern section of Loch Lomond (got that? good). Them's the Arrochar Alps in the background. Left to right are The Cobbler, Ben Ime and, last but not least, the might Ben Vorlich (...not the tallest, but thanks to Scott... ah, well: long story...)
At least, I THINK those are them. I'm pretty sure about Vorlich, anyway...
The three hills of my memory, soothing the pain.
Posted by shanekentknolltrey
at 12:19 AM ADT
Updated: Saturday, 22 March 2008 12:41 AM ADT