Mood: down
Topic: General
All signs point to the fact that one of my fish has gone to the great big ocean in the sky.
I say the signs 'point to' this conclusion because: a) Draygon (my Mandarin Dragonet) is a pretty secretive fellow, and I only saw him every couple of days at a time, if I'm lucky and b) my tank is a most efficient ecosystem, and fish corpses don't last very long at all before they become 'one with the reef', as I euphemistically put it. In fact, I've never seen a fish corpse floating in my tank ever, and I've gone through a few fish in my time.
Anyway, I've already ordered a 'replacement-part' for the tank (Draygon Mark II) and I'm stockin' up on some tasty, tasty copepods, in case that was an issue in the previous fish's demise.
I sound glib and ho-hum about it, but in point of fact that was one of my best fishes (and 2 years old, I think) and if I were to lose a fish, that one wouldn't have been my first choice...
And yes: I tend to name all my fish, too... lots of people do it... I'm told...'s perfectly normal....