Mood: caffeinated
Topic: Entertaining Insights
What a week...
Things've been rough lately, but the upshot is that I've spent a bunch of time wallowing in feces (figuratively) and slamming out the next chapter of Typers (literally: I beat my head against a wall to fix any writer's blockage that crops up...)
And I'm seein' stars, at the moment...
Anyway, time for the Super Bowl, and who can you pick? I don't hate either team, but I've got no love for 'em, either. In the end I've gotta root for the Pats' 'perfect season' in lieu of upping Eli Manning, the Scrappy-Doo of sports, to star-status.
(I feel kinda bad, actually: in the books I use his older brother Peyton's name as the codename for an unseen 'runner' of the Antipathy Committee... he's the only runner who gets killed to date, but the reference is a form of flattery... I think)
Might be an interesting game, though. Hell: how could it not be with the number 42 in its title (gatekeepers should check each patron at the game to make sure they don't have two heads...)
Ah: and there's one other thing: a botched piece of 'Tart' (that's "TYPERS art"... clever, huh... right...?)
To hell with you all, then.
A reader would tilt their head like a dog and wonder why I'd make a piece of art dedicated to Serafino Grafsteen. Well, this was supposed to represent Aryl Sven Wraith but, like all images I've tried to make of him, didn't turn out right. The face came out quite young and quite unlike Wraith's shady mug, but I thought that it DID look an awful lot like that young VP from the Gouden Preek Corporation.
He's pic-worthy because, 'natch, he becomes far more important later on (and yes: there's an actual reason that he keeps a mad raven perched upon his shoulder, but as it turns out that's not the only 'black bird' he's interested in*)
*(see: the pilots wear black suits, and are semi-derisively called 'Hatchlings', and... ah: nevermind)
And shall I go into the future with my writing once again? Quote the writer: nevermore.
The comming chapter's coming up within the coming week; come hell or high water.