Random musings from the noggin' of Knolltrey
(Best viewed on a monitor running Mozilla Firefox, with a brain running on a case of Grolsh...)
Tuesday, 22 January 2008
1:00 AM Blues
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata
Topic: General

Part of my thing is, when I write, I love to make esoteric references and... well: what I guess would be called 'in-jokes'.

Part of what pisses me off is that a) most people won't pick 'em up and b) anyone who does will probably consider it corny and contrived.

I'm not ragging on anyone's intelligence when I say that obscure references go whizzing by: that's why they're obscure. But what annoys me is that, for me, these're the best parts of the description/dialogue/action and they are, effectively, invisible.

For example: in 'Filial Affection' I wanna reveal that Chenine's little nom-de-guerre she uses to keep Kensu Onizuka and others from  catching her real name is Camille Steen (in TGS she picks 'Camille' out of the blue, but no last name is mentioned: 'Steen' is new).

I don't think many people would get the Steen reference, you see (scroll down for 'alternate names')...

Actually, her alterego's first name is also a reference, too.

Of course, a story can't also just be a bunch of trivia shuttled between the lines, but it's my adamant opinion that these kinds of things really enrich a story, if only a little bit (and only to a point...) Honestly, I've got enough other stuff going on in the books action-wise to prop up a little playfulness between the lines.

...For example: in the next chapter Chenine gets her back broken in at least three places, paralyzing her from the neck down. Pretty f**king dramatic, don't you think?*

*(This is technically true, but if you think I'm gonna finish the story with my lead female character going around a-la-Stephen-Hawking, you'd be dead wrong...)

Posted by shanekentknolltrey at 3:20 AM MNT

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