Random musings from the noggin' of Knolltrey
(Best viewed on a monitor running Mozilla Firefox, with a brain running on a case of Grolsh...)
Wednesday, 26 December 2007
...and a bit easier on the eyes than Michael et al...
Mood:  bright
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Topic: Copyright-Infringementish

I caught this most interesting little band on a re-run of The Chip Whitley Show.

Guess they started out by releasing half-a-dozen EP's at modest music venues before landing a big-name contract. Good for them. The song I've been absolutely smitten by is from their second album, Combinations; it's a little ditty called 'Invasion'...

Most of Eisley's songs are a little too mellow for me (but most have enough melodic resonance to keep my brain entertained, anyway). This dark-pop tune is somewhat atypical for 'em, although they're still (literally and figuratively) young as a band, and their evolution from their first album, Room Noises, to this point is, in my opinion, like changing from night into day.

Creepy video, huh? I think of it as a far more attractive version of Thriller, although without whacko-Jacko cavorting about in the frames it is far, far, far less disturbing (though I do miss the flustered discomfort of Michael Jackson trying to look convincingly interested in dating an adult female in that music video...)

hmm...this band's name is better without the 'Mos', too, I think. 

Posted by shanekentknolltrey at 2:10 PM MNT

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