Mood: caffeinated
Topic: Entertaining Insights
All you UK-ers: your government is concerned about your wellbeing...
Seems that you're all positively drowning in alky-hawl...
It's a funny story, and my, oh, my is it rife with nanny-state musings. Nowhere do I see concerns about such topics as 'Drunk Driving' (public enemy no. 1 in the US), or even 'alcoholism' in general, but instead just an ominous warning rife with fear-mongering over the fact that blood-red wine has a few more proof-points ( for the UK-ers...) in it than some beers or other fare.
The tone of this article actually struck me as somewhat prohibitionist: I don't think it'll be long before the whole of the EU has the same ridiculous warning labels on alcohol that they currently have on ciggies.*
*(Smoking is, BTW, a filty and disgusting habit; I only depict it in TYPERS 'cause I assume that within a hundred years there'll be adequate genetic safeguards in place to prevent and/or destroy those resulting cancers, et al. But hey, in the meantime: unless you wanna outlaw smoking outright, just f**king let people puff away in peace, eh?)
I shouldn't judge, after all: why, even here in the US-o'-A we've got some states with certain restrictions on smoking a fag...
Well, if the prevailing winds out of parliament (and not the smoke out of Parliaments!... sorry...) is towards a more prohibitionist state, here's hoping it works out better for you guys than it did for us...
Prohibition gave the United States some VERY disreputable legacies, indeed...
Sometimes I do wonder if Europeans understand that they're more capable of making life-decisions for themselves than their omnipresent governments are. Eh, the Brits I don't worry so much about: they're an alright bunch...
It's really the rest of that EU-setup that's come up pear-shaped ever since then end of the Colonial Era...