Mood: chatty
Now Playing: "Jupiter, the bringer of Joallity", by Holst
Topic: Pseudoscientific Musings
This is kinda an old story, but I wanted to comment on it anyway:
Just about all the data from New Horizons' Jupiter flyby has been disseminated...
There's friggin' tons of high-detail shots of that lovely 'planet', and in more detail than we've ever seen before (the probe had some fun surfing along an ultra-active magneto-tail, too, I've read).
Funny planet, isn't it? Jupiter, I mean. I've never been comfortable thinking of it as a 'planet' in and of itself. For example: it's 2.5 times more massive than ALL THE OTHER PLANETS COMBINED, contains it's own 'mini Solar System' of moons, and posesses other abnormal properties that, considered in their entirety, make me wanna think of the big old guy as NOT a planet at all...
Personally, I think Jupiter should be classified as something very different...
Whatever. It's really not 'fashionable' to call Jupiter a brown dwarf these days (and after the public lost Pluto to the planetary debate wars, well, who would wanna lose another one, huh?....)
To hell with Jupiter for now. It's not even the main gist of my post, so there.
HERE'S the real topic of my post:
There it is in the distance: beautiful Europa.
Now, this baby deserves our full attention, I'd think. Sure, it's great that New Horizons is focusing on hittin' the Kuiper Belt and parts beyond, but why the obsession with Pluto, huh?
Let me try to make something clear...
There's several reasons for this, the most important being a layer of good ol' dihydrogen monoxide (aq) lying right beneath the surface layers. There's evidence for the presence of heat... the presence of water... the presence of a tenable magnetosphere...
*Sigh*... our main problem is that NASA seems to be incredibly hyperopic...
I'm a member of the 'possible life on Europa club' (though the dues are killer...). Although I haven't fleshed out its backstory in TYPERS completely , I posit that a major Bydo-related event occurrs in Europa's vicinity and strips the planet of much of its rocky surface layers, exposing a patchwork of massive waterways called the 'Rock Candy Oceans', and if one's inclined to dive way the hell down into the depths, they can observe strange primitive critters who use crystal lattices to store genetic information (this ability would be a crucial plot point near the end of everything...)
I call these strange li'l exobiotes the 'Crystalline Entities', too (Nothing says flattery like copyright infringement, yeah?...)
Hang on a minute: Patrick Stewart is at my door for some reason... and he looks pissed...