Random musings from the noggin' of Knolltrey
(Best viewed on a monitor running Mozilla Firefox, with a brain running on a case of Grolsh...)
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
Sleepin' with the fishes...
Mood:  rushed

Studies show that there's nothing more boring than listening to an aquarist prattle on about his tank.

The studies are duly noted. Now back to the regular-scheduled posting: 

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Well, I'm covered in algae again, and dead tired, but it looks like the mission to de-gunk my aquarium is coming to a close...

...kinda. One can tell from the panorama shot that it's sort of a work in progress...

Ugh. I've been battling a funky black algae colony in my saltwater tank. Most algae is transient and fleeting (and gets eaten up by the 200+ members of my in-tank cleaner crew, thank you very much...) But this new stuff is death incarnate: if the gunk gets onto my corals it's nearly impossible to get off, even when I use a toothbrush. The battle's been raging for a week, now, and I think things are on the mend (they'd better be, what with all the cash I've spent on water changes: saltwater doesn't just spring-up naturally in the ocean, you know...)

uh... well, wait...

Eh, nevermind. The scrubbing isn't done yet, by a long shot, but for now I've got some fairly happy li'l denizens...

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Anyway, there's still about a two pounds of algae secreted about the tank, but for the mome nt I can focus on hunting for those pesky little tube worms for without this friggin' bubonic plague-like algae leering over my shoulder. Tube worms are a far easier problem to deal with, after all, and I can't see them giving me a run for my money...

...unless I leave my metal halides on all night and serious bump-up the tank's temperature. That could cause a problem, or two... 

Well, not really, but wouldn't that be cooler than the other side of the pillow? (or should I say, hotter than the foxtrot?) I think so, at least... 



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In other news, I think I'm on the right track in my quest to make TYPERS a trilogy and keep the looming shadow of a fourth book out of the way. As it turns out, my main problem is finding an appropriate cut-off point between the books (the natural place to have a cut-off, wherein the pilots' worlds are turned to shit, Justin is left without a ride* and Antithesis' power reaches its zenith, seems to be too far away to use as a bridge between the books...)

If you want any more hints about plot points, all I can say is that I'm whistling a certain song as I type all this out. 


Posted by shanekentknolltrey at 3:51 PM ADT
Updated: Tuesday, 2 October 2007 4:38 PM ADT

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