Mood: loud
Topic: General
Can't blog... the TV'll eat me...
I'm fond of linkin' to Wikipedia when I make my posts, so I'm going to do so in order to explain to anyone outside the good ol' States why I can't be very 'inslightful' today...
The season of something very, very bloody important begins today, and that's why.
I was practically drunk by noon today (hyperbole, but not by much...) and I'm friggin' spiking my Grolsch in the endzone with glee! (the 'endzone' being my tile floor... and now I need a mop...)
The best I can do for today is mention that good ol' 'Cotton Thistle Clearance' is currently the #8 site on Google's page-rank list when one searches for the words 'Cotton' and 'Thistle' (together, but without boolean quotes, at that).
That means... uh... I'm not really sure. Not a whole bunch, really, but on paper it makes me feel special...
Not really...