Random musings from the noggin' of Knolltrey
(Best viewed on a monitor running Mozilla Firefox, with a brain running on a case of Grolsh...)
Wednesday, 18 July 2007
Keep 'fission' for power...
Mood:  blue
Topic: Scientific Progress...

In the aftermath of their little earthquake it seems that Japan is suffering from some nuclear woes. Seems a bit of radioactive water escaped in the quake, and the people weren't informed properly...

Hopefully this won't be a death-knell against nuclear power in Japan. Japanese are pretty sharp people, and I can't see them going all anti-nuclear apeshit like we idiot Americans did after Three Mile Island.

Nuclear power possesses the highest efficiency-to-cost ratio and efficiency-to-accident ratio of any power system (go over that again and you'll get it...) until we see some more success in our ability to confine fusile material, nuclear is as good as it gets.

It's funny that TMI killed nuclear power in the US even though it was actually a success story: there was a reactor problem, it was contained, evacuations worked, and the clean-up was successful. I'm shocked whenever I talk about this incident to people who rant about the 'meltdown' at TMI. No, no, no: what happened there was the compotent, successful prevention of a meltdown.


You only run into problems with nuclear power when an incompotent nation-state is running the show...

I'll admit: those results can be spectacular...

But TMI? Nah: it's a non-issue taken up by demagogues to make us live the 'green' dream: with a wind turbine in every yard, and a yard for every turbine... 

Let's hope that, in Japan, scientific progress doesn't get boinked...

Posted by shanekentknolltrey at 2:09 PM ADT

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