
Topic: General
Updates aren't exactly one-a-day lately, huh? Part of that's 'cause I've been vacationing in fabulous Las Vegas for the past several days (this also explains why I haven't yet polished up my latest chapter of TYPERS, 'Spiders and Sharks', but I am still working on it... somewhat...)
Speaking of 'working', isn't it amazing the work a little stream of water can do, given a couple billion years?
I took a little trip into the Grand Canyon today (...and not exactly on a burrow...) The scenery is fantastic: a good mix of extreme beauty coupled with a sense of quiet isolation. That's kinda the idea I have in mind for a region in the world of 'Typers' that I call the 'Dead Lands': the vast desert lands left broken and sterile after the humans' anti-BYDO nuclear strike of 2069.
My main character, Justin Storm, is gonna have something of an intellectual 'come to Jesus' moment in that region, where he meets some of the natives (the technologically-regressive 'Dead Landers'). Around the same time my main female character, Chenine Chovert, is gonna have a similar experience out in deep space, in a place called 'Hansha-Furste'.
Their experiences will affect and be affected by facets of each's personality: Justin's feelings of isolation and disconnectedness from the flesh-and-blood humans all around him mirrors the condition of the land around him, but at the same time he is taught that the desert also springs forth with abundant life...
The only question is: just what kind of fruit is born of that situation, and how bitter are the seeds?
(He also learns about an old tribal legend dealing with mysterious, angelic beings they call the 'NOVANJO'...)
Eh: this talk is all academic, as the chapters are a ways away. They'll undergo three revisions in my head tonight alone...
But, still: the desert sands hold untold beauty, just as they also hold incomparable ugliness.