
Topic: A Hello to Arms
-- Here he comes: box-office disaster! It's a flop upon wheels!--
This is a bad, bad, BAD idea...
Look, it should go without saying that adapting animated programs into live-action shows is a no-go; it's almost as bad as the trash we get from Video Game Adaptations (but this is coming from a guy who's writing a novel series based on a shoot 'em up, so whatever...)
It's bad enough that they're going down this path with Neon Genesis Evangelion, but SPEED RACER? C'mon. And the androgynous, creepy Wachowski boys are helming it!??
You remember them, right? They made that one really good movie, and then phoned in those other two extremely bad ones?
If American producers are short on ideas (and they are) why don't they stick to ripping off British TV shows and leave the god-damned anime alone; there are REASONS these stories are told in animated format in the first place, knuckleheads. The day American film studios finally 'get' the fact that animation IS a valid art form the Earth'll probably be a dead wasteland void of any intelligent life (just like Hollywood, except much hotter. Haha...)
I just wonder how long it'll be before we see this preview: