
Topic: Random Political Diatribe
More 'fishines' from one of Uncle Sam's leading exporters.
I rather loathe Communist China.
Yes, I'm an American, and yes, I LOOOVE Capitalism and yes, I'm somewhat tainted by patriotic zeal, but look: China is a country that absolutely HATES open discourse, and a country that still calls the Tiananmen Square Massacre a 'non-issue'. Try finding ANY dissatisfaction with the Jackboot thugs of the Communist Party on the 'People's' Daily.
Now these shoddy goosesteppers are literally poisoning the planet, both with carbon emissions (of which they have easily outstripped the US) and their blatantly toxic and dangerous products, from deadly dog food to Toxic 'Thomas the Toy Trains' and antifreeze-addled toothpastes.
And though I may loathe Red China, I reserve my REAL hatred for North Korea. If the Chinese government is a brutal thug, then North Korea's leaders are a bunch of genocidal psychopaths who literally leave their people in the 'dark'. Those wackos in the North are also China's 'little brothers', too: so the very existence of a North Korea is another reason to hate the Chinese leadership.
In my book I include the 'Sino-Confederacy' as a somewhat outcast branch of the greater 'Allied Military'. They're kind of like the creepy kid in the back of the classroom that spends all his time drawing decapitated bunny rabbits and eating paste: no one dares approach 'em, and no one really wants to.
By the time of 'Typers' I have South Korea overrun by the North (seeing's how North America was wiped off the map by a fallen 'Bydo Mass'. Without those 'evil' Americans to protect 'em, I've no doubt that the Southies will fall to their 'friendly' Northern neighbor. Anyway: I envision 'Unified Korea' as being opposed by a tiny island nation of free-living Koreans (think Taiwan, if you like) that I call the 'Airen'.
None of this has come up in my story much, but I expect to dedicate a good-sized story-arc to the Tears' Shower Squadron's unpleasant run-in and dealings with such an expanded nightmare state.
The kind of evils embodied in North Korea's setup, as well as China's business practices, are far more vile than anything I could image the Bydo Empire perpetrating.
And now I'll just step off this soapbox before I fall...