Random musings from the noggin' of Knolltrey
(Best viewed on a monitor running Mozilla Firefox, with a brain running on a case of Grolsh...)
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
Ways to skin/not-skin a cat
Mood:  sharp
Topic: Pseudoscientific Musings

 So I have a new favorite t-shirt (this one replaces a heavily faded and coffee-stained faux-vintage Rolling Stones '75 North American tour shirt):

This is a present from someone, actually, and I think it's bloody fantastic. It's actually renewed my interest in the original thought-experiment. I'm kinda an amateur science-nerd (not smart enough to be the real thing) and I like to work scientific theories and principles into my writing. By comparing and contrasting them with observations on human nature I at least get writing that SOUNDS smart, whatever the truth may be. In a previous chapter of TYPERS I used the concept of magnetic/electrical dipoles to illustrate how people who are very alike or very different can both attract and repel each other (just like electricity-versus-magnetism).

In the case of 'Schrodinger's Cat' I like to think there's literary gold to be mined as well. For example: a kitty-kat can't be both alive AND dead at the same time, so isn't it true that a person can't both love and hate another person, experiencing both emotions equally and at the same time? The answer would be 'yes', they can: emotional ambivalance is more than common, isn't it? Human emotions suffer from the same 'quantum indeterminacy' that the decaying nuclear isotope in Schrodinger's Box suffers from.

Our attitudes and feelings are nebulous- like the nature of a nuclear particle, and not tangible and fully-explainable- like the vital stats of a tiny kitty-kat.

That's part of being human. 

Well, that settles that: one of my future chapters is almost sure to be themed along those lines (I doubt that the title ITSELF would be 'Schrodinger's Cat', but the thought experiment will certainly make an appearance, somewhere...)

...maybe I could have one of my female characters dress-up in a catsuit?

Okay: I need to stop now...

Posted by shanekentknolltrey at 2:41 PM ADT
Updated: Wednesday, 27 June 2007 2:42 PM ADT

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